Atheism ON TOPIC


Well-Known Member
Lmao, it’s the opposite friend.

hardly . if you read up on the science of genetics alone without touching any other subjects the creation of genetics through some random process is absolutely impossible.

you guys can't create a life from nothing and now you want to tell me that after that life was allegedly created from nothing that you somehow created the complexity of genetics through some random process?

i'm willing to listen but if not god then who created that complexity. who decided that a gene system would be needed and that they would all work together in a complex organized effort that would not only include the creation of additional life but would dictate and control other extremely complex bodily functions.

no the more I learn about science the more i realize that these actions happening randomly is absolutely impossible.

science has opened my eyes to god it has not closed them.


Well-Known Member
As is the Theory of GOD.

I can get behind a God-force, but I’m not religious, obviously.

What if all major religions are describing the same thing?

Although, I don’t find it upsetting in the least that there might not be anything, no reason for this, no creator.

The math alone that describes the singularity that started this current expansion of the universe leads one to the conclusion that it was inevitable.

But, of course the math stops at the zero point, so there’s no evidence of what came before.

It’s like ‘how many licks to get to the center of a Tootsie-roll lollipop’?

We may never know.


Well-Known Member
hardly . if you read up on the science of genetics alone without touching any other subjects the creation of genetics through some random process is absolutely impossible.

you guys can't create a life from nothing and now you want to tell me that after that life was allegedly created from nothing that you somehow created the complexity of genetics through some random process?

i'm willing to listen but if not god then who created that complexity. who decided that a gene system would be needed and that they would all work together in a complex organized effort that would not only include the creation of additional life but would dictate and control other extremely complex bodily functions.

no the more I learn about science the more i realize that these actions happening randomly is absolutely impossible.

science has opened my eyes to god it has not closed them.

You’re arguing that something can’t come from nothing, then you say ‘God’.

Where did God come from?


Well-Known Member
You can remain stubborn as long as you want but I just don’t see why you insist upon it.

I have never understood the fight between creation and evolution, science and religion. They all seem victimized by two sets of idiots trying to be “right” and succeeding only in working themselves up into needless blather.

the concept of either / or does seem to limit the discussion .

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
As is the Theory of a GOD-force.
I can get behind a God-force, but I’m not religious, obviously.

What if all major religions are describing the same thing?

Although, I don’t find it upsetting in the least that there might not be anything, no reason for this, no creator.

The math alone that describes the singularity that started this current expansion of the universe leads one to the conclusion that it was inevitable.

But, of course the math stops at the zero point, so there’s no evidence of what came before.

It’s like ‘how many licks to get to the center of a Tootsie-roll lollipop’?

We may never know.
Whup there it is!


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
As is the Theory of a GODforce.
As opposed to a no god force . lol don't want to go and admit there is a one and only all powerful God.
You always go with whatever one ''thinks'' is their own individual higher power. That makes it right.
If one thinks the little fat statue is their higher power, then, by golly it is.
If you the think the pharmacist gave you the right meds in your refill, but it was rat poison , by golly, that doesn't matter as long as you "think" it's right.

El Correcto

god is dead
hardly . if you read up on the science of genetics alone without touching any other subjects the creation of genetics through some random process is absolutely impossible.

you guys can't create a life from nothing and now you want to tell me that after that life was allegedly created from nothing that you somehow created the complexity of genetics through some random process?

i'm willing to listen but if not god then who created that complexity. who decided that a gene system would be needed and that they would all work together in a complex organized effort that would not only include the creation of additional life but would dictate and control other extremely complex bodily functions.

no the more I learn about science the more i realize that these actions happening randomly is absolutely impossible.

science has opened my eyes to god it has not closed them.
You seem up tight friend. I’m willing to say I don’t know, hell I can’t even discredit a God, I can just point out you have 0 evidence and there are theories that are not being slowly disproven like the Christian ones, it’s the opposite they are being proven.

Like I said before inch by inch god is losing ground, ignorance is being replaced by facts.

You can keep moving the goal posts as Christians have for centuries, it’s funny to me that you cling to the idea of a Christian God.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You seem up tight friend. I’m willing to say I don’t know, hell I can’t even discredit a God, I can just point out you have 0 evidence and there are theories that are not being slowly disproven like the Christian ones, it’s the opposite they are being proven.

Like I said before inch by inch god is losing ground, ignorance is being replaced by facts.

You can keep moving the goal posts as Christians have for centuries, it’s funny to me that you cling to the idea of a Christian God.
Yes..consistency reveals truth...
The evolutionist not only move the goal post continually, they have moved the playing field more times than can be counted.


Well-Known Member
You seem up tight friend. I’m willing to say I don’t know, hell I can’t even discredit a God, I can just point out you have 0 evidence and there are theories that are not being slowly disproven like the Christian ones, it’s the opposite they are being proven.

Like I said before inch by inch god is losing ground, ignorance is being replaced by facts.

You can keep moving the goal posts as Christians have for centuries, it’s funny to me that you cling to the idea of a Christian God.
You made the claim of something being disproved, yet you feel the need to keep it hidden, does it take a secret handshake?

Spill your guts.