Atheism ON TOPIC


Well-Known Member
Where do you get these laws of nature, that say homosexuality is unnatural? You’re just repackaging your faith in the form of unfounded facts and declaring them laws.
I'm going to allow you to answer your own question if you have the integrity to do it.

This will define your honesty.

Exactly what is and was the purpose (designed specifically for you) that evolution produced a penis and vagina?

Exactly where does sperm reside, and what is it's delivery agent?

Per evolution (your belief) which has taken millions of years to perfect itself, what exactly was the evolutionary target that millions of years has perfected?

I'm gonna help you a little bit, quite possibly a vagina, a tight thing (if you're lucky, or if you get a younger one) that has a tube that leads to where these things called eggs are exposed monthly. Imagine that, evolution is a smart guy, ok ... slime.

Whether creation or evolution, that is the purpose, naturally of these implements. You can play your silly games, but without direction, or leading you understand this is correct

What you or your boyfriend use your tools for is not the intended purpose,
evolution or creation.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
And this is absolutely fine. I appreciate the consideration and can respect your religious freedom to do so even if you do it out of faith and not facts.
im not overaly religous, but i do belive something had a hand in creating us.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Simple fact of the matter is something or sombody had to invent the sceince the universe runs on. Everything is to precise for things to just randomly have happened. The whole point of faith is believing.
You are on it.
God put the laws of nature in place when He created the Universe.

El Correcto

god is dead
You miss again again.
You must first admit to the don't. I thought you could go with it for the sake of discussion, wrong again.
You can break and have broken a law of nature.
Ability to break a law, does not mean there is no law.
Then why can’t I break the laws of gravity tommy? Tommy’s laws of sexuality are broken all the time, it ceases being a law at that point.

No scientist would ever call something that is constantly seen to be broken a “law”. It’s unfounded in fact and is a figment of your schizobrain. Get help old man this is pathetic.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Then why can’t I break the laws of gravity tommy? Tommy’s laws of sexuality are broken all the time, it ceases being a law at that point.

No scientist would ever call something that is constantly seen to be broken a “law”. It’s unfounded in fact and is a figment of your schizobrain. Get help old man this is pathetic.
So..stealing is a violation of law...and the fact that people steal all the time means it ceases to be law or said it better .....
laws of sexuality are broken all the time, it ceases being a law at that point.--No scientist would ever call something that is constantly seen to be broken a “law”..
How stupid you sound trying to make right what is wrong. LOL


Staff member
I'm going to allow you to answer your own question if you have the integrity to do it.

This will define your honesty.

Exactly what is and was the purpose (designed specifically for you) that evolution produced a penis and vagina?

Exactly where does sperm reside, and what is it's delivery agent?

Per evolution (your belief) which has taken millions of years to perfect itself, what exactly was the evolutionary target that millions of years has perfected?

I'm gonna help you a little bit, quite possibly a vagina, a tight thing (if you're lucky, or if you get a younger one) that has a tube that leads to where these things called eggs are exposed monthly. Imagine that, evolution is a smart guy, ok ... slime.

Whether creation or evolution, that is the purpose, naturally of these implements. You can play your silly games, but without direction, or leading you understand this is correct

What you or your boyfriend use your tools for is not the intended purpose,
evolution or creation.

Well your own argument argues against you. For eons man has found all kinds of different places to “spill his seed”.

Face, breasts, oral, anal, just about any domesticated animal, the “belly of a whore”....

Fact is, most sex has to do with pleasure, not procreation. It’s a wonder (if not a tragedy) that the human species continues on at all.

El Correcto

god is dead
I only have sex out of the need to procreate. I don’t have an emotional connection to women or have sex with them out of a natural drive for pleasure. Why aren’t you fags like me?
Okay, maybe get a basic understanding of sexuality. I’m sorry you’re so ignorant on the subject.