Atheism ON TOPIC


Well-Known Member
I would say it is rarer for people to have sex for the purpose of procreating than it is for them to just want an emotional connection or the pleasure of sex. That’s why we have contraceptions, there is more to sex and sexual attraction than popping out babies.
You're smarter than that, I won't play, I give you more credit than that. You know exactly what the issue was, it's not playing, it's who you play with. You understand natural, unnatural, I'll add another word.... affections. Natural and unnatural affections.


Well-Known Member
I have overwhelming support from the medical community, history, my life experiences, any expert on sexuality. Pretty much anyone who isn’t a religious zealot disagrees with the statement you just made.

What a weird hill to die on...Tommy is convinced the Bible is against homosexuality.

Poor Tommy.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yes, this is what I’ve just said.

Now is it a choice to be attracted to men?
Think about attraction.
It can be anything.
If the result of the attraction ended good or bad, it doesn't matter, just key in on attraction or desire, whatever.

I can be more attracted to stealing than you are. True or false?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I have overwhelming support from the medical community, history, my life experiences, any expert on sexuality. Pretty much anyone who isn’t a religious zealot disagrees with the statement you just made.
Yeah.. but not science, biology and nature.

Still blaming our disagreement on religion. Have at it.


Well-Known Member
Think about attraction.
It can be anything.
If the result of the attraction ended good or bad, it doesn't matter, just key in on attraction or desire, whatever.

I can be more attracted to stealing than you are. True or false?

So you could choose to be gay?

Seriously think about that.

If you’re saying homosexuality is a choice, by definition you’re saying straight men are somehow ‘choosing’ to be gay.

You’re a straight man...could you choose to be gay?


Well-Known Member
You seem up tight friend. I’m willing to say I don’t know, hell I can’t even discredit a God, I can just point out you have 0 evidence and there are theories that are not being slowly disproven like the Christian ones, it’s the opposite they are being proven.

Like I said before inch by inch god is losing ground, ignorance is being replaced by facts.

You can keep moving the goal posts as Christians have for centuries, it’s funny to me that you cling to the idea of a Christian God.

oh no i'm chill, i've told you before i think god has a plan for you . honestly i think you have already written the ending to your story and you're just trying to fill in the narrative to meet the ending .

an open mind can lead to a different narrative and a different ending.



Staff member
Think about attraction.
It can be anything.
If the result of the attraction ended good or bad, it doesn't matter, just key in on attraction or desire, whatever.

I can be more attracted to stealing than you are. True or false?
He might be more attracted to another man’s dirty bung hole than you.

I doubt it though. Me thinks thou dost protest too much.

El Correcto

god is dead
Why do you call him tommy? I must have missed it. I'm wondering if I can conjure up a pet name for you.
Just a question.
Brownflush is a married man who views his sexuality as the right “choice” he made for god. He suppresses his gay feelings which he personified into an imaginary married(just like him) gay friend named Tommy that he lives vicariously through. He is a very sick man and most likely schizophrenic with illusions of laws god has set that keep him from being gay.

It’s all very sad stuff.