Atheism ON TOPIC

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Brownflush is a married man who views his sexuality as the right “choice” he made for god. He suppresses his gay feelings which he personified into an imaginary married(just like him) gay friend named Tommy that he lives vicariously through. He is a very sick man and most likely schizophrenic with illusions of laws god has set that keep him from being gay.

It’s all very sad stuff.
I thought he was divorced. His wife left him because deep down she knew what he really wanted and no amount of pegging could fill the void.

El Correcto

god is dead
I thought he was divorced. His wife left him because deep down she knew what he really wanted and no amount of pegging could fill the void.
Either way he doesn’t need the Bible, he needs Prozac and lithium before he appoints himself God’s sheriff and does something about the homos breaking Tommy’s laws of sexuality.


Well-Known Member
Brownflush is a married man who views his sexuality as the right “choice” he made for god. He suppresses his gay feelings which he personified into an imaginary married(just like him) gay friend named Tommy that he lives vicariously through. He is a very sick man and most likely schizophrenic with illusions of laws god has set that keep him from being gay.

It’s all very sad stuff.
I asked, you responded, thank you.


Well-Known Member
Brownflush is a married man who views his sexuality as the right “choice” he made for god. He suppresses his gay feelings which he personified into an imaginary married(just like him) gay friend named Tommy that he lives vicariously through. He is a very sick man and most likely schizophrenic with illusions of laws god has set that keep him from being gay.

It’s all very sad stuff.

wow , you're really reaching now in your god bash


Well-Known Member
Either way he doesn’t need the Bible, he needs Prozac and lithium before he appoints himself God’s sheriff and does something about the homos breaking Tommy’s laws of sexuality.
Next time you're wearing a g-string and stilettos at a gay pride parade I want you to think "yeah, this is normal.":spank:

El Correcto

god is dead
wow , you're really reaching now in your god bash
He has compared gays to murderers and pedophiles on a fairly consistent basis. He compared his “laws of nature” deeming homosexuality unnatural to the laws of gravity.

I don’t know about you but if I thought there were beings out there that were essentially child raping murderers who transcended scientific law, like he views gay men, I’d do my best to kill them on sight.


Well-Known Member
He has compared gays to murderers and pedophiles on a fairly consistent bases. He compared his “laws of nature” deeming homosexuality unnatural to the laws of gravity.

I don’t know about you but if I thought there were beings out there that were essentially child raping murderers who transcended scientific law, like he views gay men, I’d do my best to kill them on sight.
I'm game, I'll drop a quarter in your slot, psychoanalyse me, you too @It will be fine, this will be interesting.


Well-Known Member
I would say it is rarer for people to have sex for the purpose of procreating than it is for them to just want an emotional connection or the pleasure of sex. That’s why we have contraceptions, there is more to sex and sexual attraction than popping out babies.
Stay in your lane and you have absolutely no worries about the later.


Staff member
Next time you're wearing a g-string and stilettos at a gay pride parade I want you to think "yeah, this is normal.":spank:
Next time he wakes up next to the person he cares most about I want him to think “yeah, this is normal. And friend anyone who has a problem with it.”


Well-Known Member
Wow, the LGBTQ thread bled over into the Atheism ON TOPIC thread. Some people can't stay on topic, I guess.
Actually there seems to be a subset within the larger set, if the subset responds to the larger question, baggage seems to be carried along, kinda like carry on baggage. I could go back and see who picked the fight
but I've got an ice pick and two ears, sounds more enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
Next time he wakes up next to the person he cares most about I want him to think “yeah, this is normal. And friend anyone who has a problem with it.”
I can live with that, only if that is exactly where it stays. Period. Leave it where you got it, and please shower.


Well-Known Member
Next time he wakes up next to the person he cares most about I want him to think “yeah, this is normal. And friend anyone who has a problem with it.”
If only they would keep it in the bedroom. Same goes for guys who think they're studs because they bang married women. Always in everyone's faces with their sex lives. No propriety.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
He has compared gays to murderers and pedophiles on a fairly consistent basis. He compared his “laws of nature” deeming homosexuality unnatural to the laws of gravity.

I don’t know about you but if I thought there were beings out there that were essentially child raping murderers who transcended scientific law, like he views gay men, I’d do my best to kill them on sight.
You back already? Fast.
Do your level to stop flaming up and taking what I said out of context.

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Cocaine Mang!