

Well-Known Member
To all you believers out there. In a deal like this, do you get to pick the car or do you just trust god?

I did find one point in the piece that I completely agree with.

“It causes people to look at Christianity and to laugh at it or to make a mockery of it thinking Christianity is all about money.”

We're well beyond that now but yes, that point is still true.

Hey thumpers, make a deal with ya. Pay the money on my behalf and if a hemi Challenger shows up in the driveway, I'm a believer again and you get the gold star credits. We're talking extra, extra green stamps cause it's an atheist!

Might as well really test god and ask for a Bugatti Veyron!

Damn, you just can't make this :censored2: up!


Yeah Jesus, times like this I even feel for ya bro!


Well-Known Member
To all you believers out there. In a deal like this, do you get to pick the car or do you just trust god?

I did find one point in the piece that I completely agree with.

“It causes people to look at Christianity and to laugh at it or to make a mockery of it thinking Christianity is all about money.”

We're well beyond that now but yes, that point is still true.

Hey thumpers, make a deal with ya. Pay the money on my behalf and if a hemi Challenger shows up in the driveway, I'm a believer again and you get the gold star credits. We're talking extra, extra green stamps cause it's an atheist!

Might as well really test god and ask for a Bugatti Veyron!

Damn, you just can't make this :censored2: up!


Yeah Jesus, times like this I even feel for ya bro!

False teachers are nothing new. And PT Barnum (I think) was right when he said there's a sucker born every minute. Goofballs from anything faith hardly should be the plum line. But yes, sadly it's easier to point to fools than to do your own homework and think for ones self as a result. No one will ever prove God is. But there's more then ample evidence for any sceptic with an open mind.


Well-Known Member
The bible if one looks into the hebrew word sheol, the greek hades and the history of death among the ancient cultures of the monotheistic Middle East, one also understands the bible teaches the worm food doctrine too.

On another note.

Margaret Doughty, Atheist Seeking U.S. Citizenship, Told To Join Church Or Be Denied

If nothing else, the unthinking knee jerk reactions will be fun to read.

Thankfully wkmac, this got overturned yesterday, thanks to the American Humanist Association. Ms. Doughty is now a naturalized citizen. :)


Well-Known Member
Ok, here's my take. I'm an atheist, more specifically, a secular humanist. I have no problem with anyone practicing their personal religion, whatever it may be, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. When ANY group, even atheists, start spreading hate or trying to force others to believe what they believe, I have a problem. There are good and bad in any religion, or lack thereof. You don't have to believe in a deity in order to be a good person, plain and simple. Everyone do your thing and I'll do mine, just don't try to force me to do as you do and we'll be good.


Well-Known Member
Agnostic for all practical purposes is just another word for atheist. If you don't believe in god you're an atheist, if you do believe in god you're clearly not an agnostic. Most folks who identify themselves as agnostic do so because they don't want to be lumped in with people like Hitchens or Dawkins who have turned their own atheism into a public crusade, or they simply don't want to deal with the negative perceptions that get attached to atheism some of which they might hold themselves.

Not quite:

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Staff member
Well, according to that chart I'm an agnostic atheist :wink2:. If you google "types of atheism" you can find lots of stuff like this:
17 Kinds of Atheism

It's not that I disagree so much and it is interesting to read but at the end of the day it just strikes me as semantics and over analysis probably driven in large part by people's inherent need to feel part of a special group ("I'm not just an atheist, I'm a Gnostic atheist") which in my opinion is a large part of the reason that people are drawn to religion in the first place. For me it's enough to say that I don't believe in a god therefore I'm an atheist, Occam's razor and all that.


Well-Known Member
Well, according to that chart I'm an agnostic atheist :wink2:. If you google "types of atheism" you can find lots of stuff like this:
17 Kinds of Atheism

It's not that I disagree so much and it is interesting to read but at the end of the day it just strikes me as semantics and over analysis probably driven in large part by people's inherent need to feel part of a special group ("I'm not just an atheist, I'm a Gnostic atheist") which in my opinion is a large part of the reason that people are drawn to religion in the first place. For me it's enough to say that I don't believe in a god therefore I'm an atheist, Occam's razor and all that.

Oh yeah, I agree with that. :wink2: I just wanted to point out that they are basically opposites and not that agnostic is somewhere between theism and atheism. Agnostic is the opposite of gnostic, atheism is the opposite of theism. As for the comments I read earlier about atheism being a religion, hell no. Atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sexual position. It just isn't, no matter how much some people might want to make that argument.
Oh yeah, I agree with that. :wink2: I just wanted to point out that they are basically opposites and not that agnostic is somewhere between theism and atheism. Agnostic is the opposite of gnostic, atheism is the opposite of theism. As for the comments I read earlier about atheism being a religion, hell no. Atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sexual position. It just isn't, no matter how much some people might want to make that argument.
Don't tell my wife that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Engorged Member
False teachers are nothing new. And PT Barnum (I think) was right when he said there's a sucker born every minute. Goofballs from anything faith hardly should be the plum line. But yes, sadly it's easier to point to fools than to do your own homework and think for ones self as a result. No one will ever prove God is. But there's more then ample evidence for any sceptic with an open mind.

Then PT Barnum would have loved you. The trouble with "born agains" is that they think that Christianity is IT. No other religion matters or should be allowed to exist. My way or the highway, baby. Perhaps YOU should try thinking for yourself instead of having The Bible do it for you. There's "evidence" in there for anything you want, including the "fact" that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. I can pick-up a rock, and have a scientist date it with an instrument that proves the rock is at least 2 million years old. Know what my Bible thumping friends say to that? That "Satan has planted evidence to steer us away from the truth." Please!! Make the stupidity stop. Oh, and "sceptic" is spelled s-k-e-p-t-i-c. You are welcome.


golden ticket member
You really have to specify when you use the term "born agains". There are born again virgins too. Plus many other born agains.


Engorged Member
You really have to specify when you use the term "born agains". There are born again virgins too. Plus many other born agains.

"Born-Again Christians". Some of the most narrow-minded and hateful people in the world. Not unlike "Radical Islam". Both are extreme.


Well-Known Member
Then PT Barnum would have loved you. The trouble with "born agains" is that they think that Christianity is IT. No other religion matters or should be allowed to exist. My way or the highway, baby. Perhaps YOU should try thinking for yourself instead of having The Bible do it for you. There's "evidence" in there for anything you want, including the "fact" that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. I can pick-up a rock, and have a scientist date it with an instrument that proves the rock is at least 2 million years old. Know what my Bible thumping friends say to that? That "Satan has planted evidence to steer us away from the truth." Please!! Make the stupidity stop. Oh, and "sceptic" is spelled s-k-e-p-t-i-c. You are welcome.

The Big Bang Theory 3x01 - Sheldon vs Creationism - YouTube


Well-Known Member
View attachment 9363

Amazing willful cluelessness. It's more than well documented and a well known fact that Christians, as well as conservatives alike out give liberals in charities, as well as participate regularly in food and clothing drives. Lets not forget the crisis pregnancy centers in every city in every state of the union that provide actual "choices" to unplanned pregnancies for women, FREE OF CHARGE with no monies provided from the state or federal hypocrites. Maybe if you've ever darkened the door of a local church you'd also see how well they meet the needs of those in their communities thanks to the tithes and offerings of their members.

It's so ironic how those that live in a country that was founded on the Judeo-Christian ethic of 'do unto others as you would have them do to you' find it so easy to mock and ridicule the very world view that gives them the right to mock it. Whatever......


nowhere special
Keeping score is only good when doing your taxes but I agree that you are to be a cheerful giver. If you give because of a sense of obligation or to try to buy your way to heaven then its meaningless.


Staff member
Why do people routinely use the phrase "Judeo-Christian" when the two are starkly and purposefully different?