

Well-Known Member
Sorry if it's been posted here already....I was just reminded of this after seeing the word "logic" from the vid....just sayin'.



Well-Known Member
Also one of my favorites here....religion and tradition have ruined more lives, and enslaved rather than 'set free' sadly!



Staff member
Sorry if it's been posted here already....I was just reminded of this after seeing the word "logic" from the vid....just sayin'.

View attachment 9238

Hasn't been posted but I've seen it before. Beyond having the word "atheism" in the title it has has nothing to do with actual atheism. When you start out describing atheism as "The belief that..." you're already wrong regardless of what you say next.


Well-Known Member
Again, good point. I guess that's why the agnostic can claim more intellectual honesty by acknowledging that neither side, theism or atheism, can prove what they proclaim.


Staff member
Again, good point. I guess that's why the agnostic can claim more intellectual honesty by acknowledging that neither side, theism or atheism, can prove what they proclaim.
Atheism doesn't proclaim anything, it's not a belief system. The distinction between agnosticism and atheism is largely semantic, in practical terms it's a distinction without a difference. I don't think anyone can claim more intellectual honesty based solely on their belief, or lack thereof, in a deity.


Nine Lives
Atheism doesn't proclaim anything, it's not a belief system. The distinction between agnosticism and atheism is largely semantic, in practical terms it's a distinction without a difference. I don't think anyone can claim more intellectual honesty based solely on their belief, or lack thereof, in a deity.

I see you are continuing with your specious argument.
In this case, you are not an atheist because you make fun of religious people and their beliefs.
Furthermore, in engaging in an argument, you are taking a stance based on your beliefs.
​Sorry, but I just don't buy your lack of belief.


Staff member
I see you are continuing with your specious argument.
In this case, you are not an atheist because you make fun of religious people and their beliefs.
Furthermore, in engaging in an argument, you are taking a stance based on your beliefs.
​Sorry, but I just don't buy your lack of belief.
I'm not arguing with anyone or making fun of anyone, it's almost like you're responding to something that I said in your imagination.


Nine Lives
I'm not arguing with anyone or making fun of anyone, it's almost like you're responding to something that I said in your imagination.

Could be ... I thought I had several recollections of you and Ovah making some snide remarks.

​I apologize if you really have no belief or are agnostic of them.


Staff member
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." --Rush

A belief in unbelief is still a belief.
Atheism isn't a belief. You start with a false premise...

Interestingly enough that quote from Rush actually applies more to an agnostic's stated position.


Staff member
How do you know it's false?
Because I'm an atheist. Seriously, it's not a belief system, there is no "book of atheism" or even any accepted guidelines to being an atheist. An atheist is someone who lacks a belief in a deity/god/gods, that's all. Beyond that labeling someone an atheist doesn't tell you anything else about them or what they do/don't believe about the world/life, morality/ethics, etc.


Staff member
So because one is atheist - assumption is fact?

I don't know what you're trying to say. If you want to know what an individual atheist believes about stuff, find one and ask him/her. Just remember that they're only speaking for themselves, they're not speaking for atheism.


Well-Known Member
So because one is atheist - assumption is fact?

I don't know what you're trying to say. If you want to know what an individual atheist believes about stuff, find one and ask him/her. Just remember that they're only speaking for themselves, they're not speaking for atheism.

As are theists....."But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect," --1 Peter 3:15


Well-Known Member
Just some food for thought .....take it or leave it, really. Its longer than the usual Youtube link i like to post, but some great stuff here either way.



Well-Known Member
What's ridiculous is the article that started this thread perfectly states the FACT that - regardless of the fact that the founders of this country went out of their way to ensure the freedom of religion not the freedom FROM religion, a select few are continually granted the right to hinder the rights of others via some secular liberal judicial activists.


golden ticket member
So awesome.
Via Washington Times:
A South Carolina valedictorian garnered wild applause after he ripped up his pre-approved speech and delivered the Lord’s prayer at his high school graduation on Saturday.

The act was apparently in protest of the Pickens County School District’s decision to no longer include prayer at graduation ceremonies, Christian News reported. Officials said the decision was made after the district was barraged with complaints by atheist groups.

But that didn’t stop Roy Costner IV of Liberty High School. He ripped up his graduation speech for all to see, before he started talking about his Christian upbringing, Christian News reported.

“Those that we look up to, they have helped carve and mold us into the young adults that we are today,” he said. “I’m so glad that both of my parents led me to the Lord at a young age.”

“And I think most of you will understand when I say…” he paused. “Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name…”
The auditorium began to erupt with applause and cheers.

“Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,” he continued. “For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.”
Pickens County School District spokesman John Eby said that no disciplinary action will be taken against Mr. Costner

LHS Graduation valedictorian speech/prayer - YouTube