

Staff member
Keeping score is only good when doing your taxes but I agree that you are you be a cheerful giver. If you give because of a sense of obligation or to try to buy your way to heaven then its meaningless.
I mostly agree. I think we are obligated as Christians to give because all has first been given to us. So really, "You didn't build that.":)


Staff member
Because they are not starkly and purposefully different? You need to study your Bible more.

How many times are you to forgive he who wrongs you? One tradition says "Love your friends and hate your enemies". What does the other tradition say? One tradition seeks a messiah the other strives to reflect the spirit of the living Christ. I invite you to study your Bible as well.


Well-Known Member
Why do people routinely use the phrase "Judeo-Christian" when the two are starkly and purposefully different?

The ethic is the same. The writers of the New Testament were Jews. The men who founded this nation were well known bible thumpers whether you want to call them Deists or whatever, it matters not.


Staff member
They were also drunks and womanizers...a beautiful dichotomy of humanity much like folks today and hardly to be idolized as a new strain of saint.


Well-Known Member
They were also drunks and womanizers...a beautiful dichotomy of humanity much like folks today and hardly to be idolized as a new strain of saint.

Yeah, imperfect human beings that get mocked for not being perfect. Hypocrisy is nothing new.


Well-Known Member
Last time I checked, charitable giving isn't supposed to be a contest between different types of groups. If you look at it that way, you are doing it for all the wrong reasons. Not to mention, how much of those tithes go to pay for ridiculous super mega churches? We have one right up the road that cost somewhere around $10 million to build. That money could have been so much better spent helping people while they stayed in their humble little church that maybe just needed an addition to make it a bit bigger, but instead they needed a cafe, a concert hall, etc etc. Oh, and the money for the helicopter to drop candy on the kids a few times a year, in order to lure the little kiddies there.


Well-Known Member
Last time I checked, charitable giving isn't supposed to be a contest between different types of groups. If you look at it that way, you are doing it for all the wrong reasons. Not to mention, how much of those tithes go to pay for ridiculous super mega churches? We have one right up the road that cost somewhere around $10 million to build. That money could have been so much better spent helping people while they stayed in their humble little church that maybe just needed an addition to make it a bit bigger, but instead they needed a cafe, a concert hall, etc etc. Oh, and the money for the helicopter to drop candy on the kids a few times a year, in order to lure the little kiddies there.

Was merely making a point to the willfully clueless poster of the chick fil A photo. You know, point counter point? :P ugh...


Engorged Member
This country can not afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor.

--John Fitzgerald Kennedy

But you are quoting a Catholic who was perhaps the greatest womanizer to ever occupy the White House. I guess what he said is meaningless now because he was a sinner. Back to your Bible.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I wonder if he came up with that while humping Monroe? Or maybe while brother Teddy was getting women loaded then leaving them to drown in order to save his political career? Either way....a true statement nonetheless.

In his day as a country we were listening to songs like "I wanna hold your hand" to today's stark contrast "I wanna **** you like an animal."



Well-Known Member
Exactly. Like Shari'ah law? Absolutely. But do free men abandon and forfeit their sincerely held religious beliefs at the steps of the Capital or the White House? Hardly.


Well-Known Member
Jefferson attended church at the Capitol while he was Vice President[SUP]5[/SUP] and also throughout his presidency. The first Capitol church service that Jefferson attended as President was a service preached by Jefferson's friend, the Rev. John Leland, on January 3, 1802. [SUP]6[/SUP]Significantly, Jefferson attended that Capitol church service just two days after he penned his famous letter containing the "wall ofseparation between church and state" metaphor.

WallBuilders - Issues and Articles - Church in the U.S. Capitol


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Like Shari'ah law? Absolutely. But do free men abandon and forfeit their sincerely held religious beliefs at the steps of the Capital or the White House? Hardly.

They should. Why is it only the opposing religious views are allowed to be banned, but not yours? Pushing ANY religious dogma on an entire nation is wrong, plain and simple.