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preloader/helper here. Just remember: 3rd floor apartment = XL Christmas tree.

Oh and also piss bottle
WTF are you talking about? Oh nevermind, I just realized you are some seasonal who wandered into this thread spouting off at the neck about something you have no knowledge of. Carry on with your bad self!

By the way, way to start off your very first post by hijacking and butting in. You'll be a real hit around here.


Well-Known Member
I had a new helper 1 day last year. It was going ok during the day until 5pm when he asked me what time we'll be done. I answered 7:30-8:00. He said thats a problem because he HAD to be home by 6 and then showed me his ankle bracelet. I dropped him off at the train station and called my supe. He just laughed. Never saw that helper again.


Huge Member
2 years ago, we had a casual driver who had 2 pending burglary charges on his docket.
Nice job HR with the background checks !!!!
At this point, you could probably throw a used needle in the trash near the security shack and come out on the other side with a helper vest.