Balancing ups and working out

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He who laughs last didn't get it.

tom platz - The Quad-Father

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
How do you folks manage to balance out working st ups and working out (ifyou do exercise)? How many hours do you work at ups? Do you workout in Morning or evening ? How many days a week do you workout ? How many calories do you eat a day ? What kind of exercise do you do (cardio , barbell lifts , calisthenics , etc.) ?! Sorry for all questions I just love working out but always exhausted from work
I like to exercise at least three times per week. I always go at night, after work. I am not a morning person. I primarily use free weights, but do use machines for legs.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
100% truth!

"Once your body go to *. Bro. Your mind go to * shortly after."
I try and tell people all the time...

Start with 10min a day devoted to 1 exercise.

That's it.

10 min.... 1 particular exercise.

After a couple days it will become obvious that you have AT LEAST an hour and a half to devote to your physical fitness.

Might have to rearrange miscellaneous bullISH...

But it's still a fact.