

Fugitive From Reality
Got this as a "tip" this week at my day job. I can't do the bud,but the Sams are all mine.


Für Meno :)
Sampling and labelling my Johnnie Walker on Friday, Saturday is wine sampling (New Harbour - NZ & Snap Dragon - Calif.)
However looking forward to the Bud's summer beer sampling on Sunday & Canada Day (Monday).
Bud Chelada, Bud Light Chelada, Bud Light Lime-A-Rita & Bud Light Lime Mojito :
The mojito beer is at 4%. (had it last year - pretty good and refreshing) !
Bud Chelada (Bud with Clamato juice) has 5% alc. The light version : 4.2% alc.
Lime-A-Rita (as in Margarita drink) has 8% alc. !


Für Meno :)
Loosely translated means" Mack & Michel makes the party". Was a local brand in Weissenburg, West Germany.

Nein !
"Mack & Michel makes you happy"
Munter means "good mood" or "happy mood"
And WOW - West Germany, that's long ago, and it brings back so many memories. Mainly really good ones though. What a powerhouse !
On the above post I did :
Still cannot believe they would name it Bud Light- A- Rita !
It's 8% !!!!!
Are they thinking already of a Bud-A-Rita @ 10% ?


Amatuer Malthusian
Well, I was close. Forgot to put in "I think". That was 1984 and my German is more than a little rusty. Good times. Remember having my first American macrobrew after returning and nearly throwing up.


Fugitive From Reality
Saturday I'm going to a friends annual Milwaukee-fest beer party. Hoping to find something to bring besides the usual suspects.
​Any suggestions?


Für Meno :)
Depends how many people are attending that party, and if it's a private at home party.
A private at home party, I would suggest one of those 5ltr kegs, and in this hot weather, that you may have, too - the German Weizen beer (yes , it's available in 5 ltr kegs ! ) ! :)
It's also called Weissbier ! Very refreshing, and you may add a slice of lemon to it , too.


Fugitive From Reality
Sorry, I should have explained better. Milwaukee-fest, = Wisconsin beer. Want to bring something besides the usual.