Ben Carson


Staff member
I guess if can't dispute someone's theory, just attack and make fun of it.

That will prove you are right........not.
Au contraire mon frere, I'm really looking forward to hearing about all the research you conducted that lead to this revelation about the "Pyramid Granaries"


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Au contraire mon frere, I'm really looking forward to hearing about all the research you conducted that lead to this revelation about the "Pyramid Granaries"
It's a theory.

It's plausible.

Unless you have concrete proof on something different.

But you remain silent on this.

So, what is the purple mod's take on what the pyramids were for?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Carson has too much class to be president. The media is doing a good job of discrediting him. He should've stayed in the medical field or became a pastor.

He doesn't possess the slimy characteristics of a true politician like Hillary or Jeb so he has no chance.

Trump... Well now that's a different ball game... He sure is full of himself.


Well-Known Member
For the same reason your records are sealed, Newfye, and my records are sealed, and everybody's records are sealed. It's called FERPA and it's federal law.
Why the Frick does not every fricking story that quotes someone asking about Obama's academic record not mention FERPA???If there's one thing right wing wackos have in common, it's a persecution complex. Every probing question is unfair. Every crazy statement must not be examined....

Nice try.


Staff member
Carson has too much class to be president. The media is doing a good job of discrediting him. He should've stayed in the medical field or became a pastor.

He doesn't possess the slimy characteristics of a true politician like Hillary or Jeb so he has no chance.

Trump... Well now that's a different ball game... He sure is full of himself.
He's a nice guy, would love to have him as a neighbor I'm sure he would help you out with anything. He's got no place in politics.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
But that is Carson's appeal... He's not like "them". He appeals to those who are fed up.

It won't make him president though in my opinion.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
He's a nice guy, would love to have him as a neighbor I'm sure he would help you out with anything. He's got no place in politics.
But Hillary does?

You are lacking morals if you believe Hillary would be good for anybody but Hillary.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Nice try.
Ok. What you doesn't realize is that all these conspiracy theories about Obama that you have spewing,are the result of the press vetting Obama and proving all the conspiracies wrong. Thereby proving that Obama was thoroughly vetted. Too bad you still believe all the lies they've been spreading about Obama.Keep living in your own world full of made up realities.


Staff member
But that is Carson's appeal... He's not like "them". He appeals to those who are fed up.

It won't make him president though in my opinion.
He is like them. Just like 3/4 of the Republican field from the past 2.presidential elections--using the campaign process as a book signing tour with no real input on the issues. We've seen this play out over and over and over.


Well-Known Member
He is like them. Just like 3/4 of the Republican field from the past 2.presidential elections--using the campaign process as a book signing tour with no real input on the issues. We've seen this play out over and over and over.

as opposed to Hillary hiding in Iowa with three people focus groups?


Well-Known Member
Keep it up Bro and you will end up being assigned to the bashers bench with me.


Well-Known Member
I guess if can't dispute someone's theory, just attack and make fun of it.

That will prove you are right........not.

A theory first requires a hypothesis and you're not even close to that yet. Robert Bauval, John Anthony West and Graham Hancock all offer very different views about the pyramids but even they have something to support their claim (albeit rejected by most Egyptologists) whereas you got nothing for them to even reject but it does provide a good chuckle.

The bible itself and biblical dating disproves the pyramids/Joseph narrative.