Ben Carson


Well-Known Member
Evidently, it's not only pathological, but highly contagious.Facts are irrelevant in his obtuse worldview.........

quote from Jones reference "This is an example of mostly old baloney in a new casing.'

clearly a subjective phrase that when applied loses any hope of being a factual reference. To then make its case the author delves into semantics stating that while these records have not been released they have never the less not been sealed by court. in either case whether sealed or not released the end result remains the same. So a factual reference would acknowledge that whether sealed or not those records are still unattainable and at last count Obama has so far spent approximately 1.4 million dollars fighting any efforts to access those records.

thus the answer is yes the records have been secured from the public by what means you wish to refer to it as and the question remains what exactly is Obama hiding from the pubic that would be contained in those records.

that my friend is factual.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
But this idea has since been discredited by scientists for a number of reasons.

1. Pyramids aren't hollow: They're incredibly solid and usually only contain a few claustrophobic chambers, connected by long, sloping pathways and concealed entrances, in order to confuse potential tomb raiders. Not a very efficient place to store grain.

2. Ancient Egyptians left instructions inside the pyramids: Archaeologists have found funerary text inscriptionsinside pyramid chambers built between 2375 and 2160 BCE, which serve the sole purpose of instructing the dead pharaoh's soul how to cross over to the afterworld. That would be a strange thing to put inside a granary.

3. There's evidence of burial inside the pyramids: "Pyramids were definitely used as tombs: burial equipment, such as sarcophagi, jewellery, mummies or mummy parts were found in some of them. (The others were robbed in antiquity, or in a few cases the burial chambers are below the water table)," archaeologistDeborah Sweeney from Tel Aviv University in Israel told Jewish news site Haaretz over email.

4. There are lots of different pyramids, built over thousands of years: There are more than 100 pyramids known in Egypt, and they were built anywhere between 2686 and 1750 BCE. South of Egypt, in Sudan, there are around 255 of the structures. All the ones studied appear to have served as tombs.

5. Ancient Egyptians actually had granaries: And they've been studied by archaeologists. "These were normally dome-shaped buildings open at the top, which stood near houses and government buildings," said Sweeney.

6. The only grain found in pyramids is part of a burial ritual: To be fair, there have been a few odd remains of grain found in pyramids by archaeologists, but this is part of an Egyptian burial ritual known as theOsiris bed, as the Tour Egypt site explains:

"These are wooden trays in the form of the god, Osiris, which were planted with seeds of grain. They were expected to germinate once the tomb was sealed, and were symbolic of the continuation of life after death."

So there you have it. We think the evidence speaks for itself. And just in case it doesn't, we'll leave you with this:
Quit reading after #1.

If Carson said HOLLOW, I am sure he meant there is rooms inside of them.

Which there are.

And they long slanted passage ways would make great areas to store grain and open a shaft door to release the grain, which would move because gravity.

Any how, Carson would make a hundreds times better president than Hillary or Obama.

So you just keep thinking that this neurosurgeon is stupid, or crazy, because just look at who you are supporting.

You need to grasp a hold of something to justify such an idiotic choice to become our next president.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You are clearly talking about yourself and Carson.
You think a distinguished retired neurosurgeon is a worse choice to be president than Hillary or Bernie?

Well then you certainly can name off all the accomplishments of these 2 great Democratic candidates.

Try not to go on for pages and pages and keep it reasonably short.

I would say the top 3 accomplishments would be fine for each.

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire


Staff member
quote from Jones reference "This is an example of mostly old baloney in a new casing.'

clearly a subjective phrase that when applied loses any hope of being a factual reference. To then make its case the author delves into semantics stating that while these records have not been released they have never the less not been sealed by court. in either case whether sealed or not released the end result remains the same. So a factual reference would acknowledge that whether sealed or not those records are still unattainable and at last count Obama has so far spent approximately 1.4 million dollars fighting any efforts to access those records.

thus the answer is yes the records have been secured from the public by what means you wish to refer to it as and the question remains what exactly is Obama hiding from the pubic that would be contained in those records.

that my friend is factual.
You claimed his college records are sealed, the facts say they aren't. But you do look pretty cute all twisted up into a pretzel like that :laugh:


Staff member

No one uses that biased liberal digital rag anymore.

They have been proven to spin toward the liberal slant, which is why you use them.
Now that's what a real birther sounds like! Can you post that youtube video again? The one that shows how Obama faked his birth certificate?


Staff member
Quit reading after #1.

If Carson said HOLLOW, I am sure he meant there is rooms inside of them.

Which there are.

And they long slanted passage ways would make great areas to store grain and open a shaft door to release the grain, which would move because gravity.
Noted Egyptologist realbrown1 will be presenting his groundbreaking "Pyramid Granary Theory" at the next Archaeological conference!


Staff member
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Presidential candidate Ben Carson has issued a dire warning that President Obama’s cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline has left the United States with “virtually no place to store grain.”

Without the massive pipeline, Carson told Fox News, the nation’s network of silos is woefully inadequate “to store the bounty of grain that we soweth.”

Carson said that as President, he would seek additional places to store grain, such as “the hollowed-out heads on Mt. Rushmore.”

“A nation’s greatness is measured by its ability to store grain,” he said. “I will return America to its former greatness.”


Well-Known Member
Now that's what a real birther sounds like! Can you post that youtube video again? The one that shows how Obama faked his birth certificate?

Soon as you post his college records.I'll pay that ransom for those kidnapped records


Well-Known Member
You claimed his college records are sealed, the facts say they aren't. But you do look pretty cute all twisted up into a pretzel like that :laugh:

You're good at making things up and pretending. I bet you're sitting there with a blindfold on and your fingers in your ears..:)


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Soon as you post his college records.I'll pay that ransom for those kidnapped records
For the same reason your records are sealed, Newfye, and my records are sealed, and everybody's records are sealed. It's called FERPA and it's federal law.
Why the Frick does not every fricking story that quotes someone asking about Obama's academic record not mention FERPA???If there's one thing right wing wackos have in common, it's a persecution complex. Every probing question is unfair. Every crazy statement must not be examined....


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Noted Egyptologist realbrown1 will be presenting his groundbreaking "Pyramid Granary Theory" at the next Archaeological conference!
I guess if can't dispute someone's theory, just attack and make fun of it.

That will prove you are right........not.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
For the same reason your records are sealed, Newfye, and my records are sealed, and everybody's records are sealed. It's called FERPA and it's federal law.
Why the Frick does not every fricking story that quotes someone asking about Obama's academic record not mention FERPA???If there's one thing right wing wackos have in common, it's a persecution complex. Every probing question is unfair. Every crazy statement must not be examined....
Presidential candidates have historically released (unsealed) their records BEFORE the election.

The liberal media (the main stream media) gave Obama a pass on his college records.

And his birth certificate.

And everything else.