Biden signs executive order mandating vaccination.


Well-Known Member
This country was built by secular humanists. Our founders may have attended church, but that was for show as is true today of pretty much all politicians and corporate leaders. The heart of Freemasonry and all secret societies is Luciferianism and are socialists at the highest level. However, all of there exoteric believes revolving around Lucifer are metaphorical for their esoteric belief in that man through their acquirement of knowledge will become God. The reality is that they don’t believe in God or Lucifer and are hardcore atheists. The people who came to this country were many different divisions of Protestantism and were fleeing country’s who were ruled both under the crown and the pope. The merger of church and state. They came to this country fleeing religious persecution. Freemasons formally known as the old Knights Templars were enemies of the Roman Catholic Church at the time this country was created and sometime after. The Roman Catholic Church was infiltrated by Freemasonry not to long ago. That should have been a clue when the Roman Catholic Church allowed their members to become part of the lodges. This country’sfoundations being part of the constitution and Declaration of Independence were written in secular fashion. Therefore if people put into power were of a Christian moral ethic then the laws this country created would reflect that. If this country became infiltrated from within and it has by people who are a bunch of Godless men, then the laws would reflect that. We have been taken over from within starting at the lowest levels of government. Biden is a reflection of the slow process of infiltration over many many years.

You know your stuff. We have been entirely infiltrated, even the Pope is the handmaiden of the father of lies. It's a real shame, but it will be also through this Church that humanity is saved in the end.


Well-Known Member
Our air was late Saturday. What conspiracy theory do you think caused it?
The beautiful thing about modernity is that sometimes we actually have data.

Southwest has almost 40% cancelations and delays. American, delta, etc. were all fine. They mention ATC and weather.

Everyone had the same weather.

Therefore something happened with southwest ATC that was the primary cause.

See how that works?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
you're running away from your conspiracy theory that the southwest flights weren't actually cancelled.

Sounds like he can make his escape from this thread for only $59 if/when Southwest starts flying again.



I'm a star
So your point is that running is not healthy and will kill you?

We have an ongoing pandemic of excessive exercise. One death is too many.

  • "One death per 17,000 men who exercise vigorously 1 to 19 minutes a week
  • One death per 23,000 men who exercise vigorously 20 to 139 minutes a week
  • One death per 13,000 men who exercise vigorously 140 or more minutes a week"



Well-Known Member
We have a pandemic of other causes like:
-couch potato with a bag of chips and carbonated drink;
-smoking and other things I don't need to enumerate.


Inordinately Right

The Southwest Airlines Pilots Association’s filing Friday also asked for an immediate hearing on the request before a federal court in Dallas, claiming the carrier has continued to take unilateral actions that violate terms of the Railway Labor Act, which governs airline-union relations. Those steps include the Covid-19 vaccination requirement.

“The new vaccine mandate unlawfully imposes new conditions of employment and the new policy threatens termination of any pilot not fully vaccinated by December 8, 2021,” the legal filing said. “Southwest Airlines’ additional new and unilateral modification of the parties’ collective bargaining agreement is in clear violation of the RLA.”


Baseball, dart board
I genuinely feel bad for people who have been brainwashed into this. I don't have any animosity towards those who were just mislead, trying to do the right thing.

I just hope and wish more of them look into why some of these things have been censored. Look up the doctors who were cancelled and look at their research. The severe side effects and deaths are occuring more and more and at alarming pace and if you look at legit sources, you will see gofundme is cancelling pages of people who are collecting money for vaccine deaths, and they are immediately cancelling and censoring anything that is not pro vaccine almost as soon as it hits the internet. Please use your head and even if you are skeptical, take the time to research on something that isn't big tech owned or mainstream media. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to look into the other side with a science based mind and look at why these things may have been censored. Why did they do it? If they claim one reason than confirm that reason. Why are nurses and doctors quitting over the mandate to the point they need to bring the National Guard in to replace them?

Australia had 0 COVID deaths, forced vaccine on the population, and now they are over 500 deaths due to vaccine injury. You can look it up and it can be verified by their own media.
Similar in India...low COVID deaths until a few weeks after the vaccine started being administered


Well-Known Member
AmTrak is now reporting mass cancellations, Pilots are prepared to walk out en masse this week. Florida has now cancelled 1900 flights.

A little unknown story the media didn't want to report on was that 3 pilots died in one week after the vaccine of various heart conditions which are exacerbated in high altitude. These pilots all know. They are done.
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Baseball, dart board
AmTrak is now reporting mass cancellations, Pilots are prepared to walk out en masse this week. Florida has now cancelled 1900 flights.

A little unknown story the media didn't want to report on was that 3 pilots died in one week after the vaccine of various heart conditions which are exacerbated in high altitude. These pilots all know. They are done.
I don't doubt any of this, but do you have a source on the pilot deaths? I'd like to read more.


Henry Swanson's my name, and excitement's my game.
AmTrak is now reporting mass cancellations, Pilots are prepared to walk out en masse this week. Florida has now cancelled 1900 flights.

A little unknown story the media didn't want to report on was that 3 pilots died in one week after the vaccine of various heart conditions which are exacerbated in high altitude. These pilots all know. They are done.
Our time is coming:strikesmileys:✊💯