Thank you for proving my point that you live in trump world.
If you crazies arent in Trump world count me in!
Probably why hes doing so well. I remember in 2016 thinking to myself “I dont like Trump, stop lying about him so I don’t have to sit here defending him”
Voted for Gary Johnson 2016 because “

both of these choices”. I seriously was and still consider myself independent. I like dems who arent crazy, like Yang and Tulsi. I like reps that arent crazy, like Rand/Ron Paul and Desantis.
I get news from Jimmy Dore, Dave Rubin, and Glenn Greenwald. Along with Joe Rogan, the Daily Wire squad, and Bannons war room. Im disagreeing with at least one of the opinions each of them says every time I listen, but I respect that they arent lying to me.
Sheeple all believe the exact same thing, literally repeating the corporate presses narratives verbatim most of the time. Once someone repeats an MSM talking point I already know 100% of their opinions, and know they aren’t capable of independent thought.