Biden signs executive order mandating vaccination.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
I can't believe that people are letting their governments get away with things like this. What will it take to end all this? And don't tell me it's the eradication of the virus because that's not happening.
For everyone to do something. Including the ones that hate trump...

I guess I should say get involved...


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
You sidestepped as usual. Are you a Trump hater or not? I can’t keep track of you liberals anymore.
Like I said I forgive you. I show no alligiance to anyone. Except for God, and my family.
I have said in the past that some of the things he said the way he handled them. That I don't agree with the way he said them. I also said that I see they are throwing trump under the bus. I'm always for that guy.

By the way this isn't republican or Democrat. They are dirty on all sides.
So again I'll forgive you. I truly believe that the thought process behind picking a side Democrat or republican has gotten us in this mess. Everyone should be independent and do more research on a lot of these politicians.
None of them are in there for you... Trump actually seems to care about the USA. Compared to most.


Legio patria nostra
Like I said I forgive you. I show no alligiance to anyone. Except for God, and my family.
I have said in the past that some of the things he said the way he handled them. That I don't agree with the way he said them. I also said that I see they are throwing trump under the bus. I'm always for that guy.

By the way this isn't republican or Democrat. They are dirty on all sides.
So again I'll forgive you. I truly believe that the thought process behind picking a side Democrat or republican has gotten us in this mess. Everyone should be independent and do more research on a lot of these politicians.
None of them are in there for you... Trump actually seems to care about the USA. Compared to most.
Well then I apologize for lumping you into the pile of liberals that only seem to exist to hate and destroy.


Well-Known Member
A DAMN Vaccine mandate like what is the real agenda with this? It's going to become so apparent that you won't be able to do anything in this society without this dumb jab. It's like the mark of the beast that the Bible speaks of or something. The way they're trying to do this is you can't buy you cant work or whatever without this jab. IM SO DONE WITH THE DEMOCRAT'S!!!! You cannot mandate wtf I put in my body. :censored2: biden, :censored2: fauci, :censored2: bill gates, :censored2: Pfizer,Moderna and Johnson and Johnson.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
A DAMN Vaccine mandate like what is the real agenda with this? It's going to become so apparent that you won't be able to do anything in this society without this dumb jab. It's like the mark of the beast that the Bible speaks of or something. The way they're trying to do this is you can't buy you cant work or whatever without this jab. IM SO DONE WITH THE DEMOCRAT'S!!!! You cannot mandate wtf I put in my body. :censored2: biden, :censored2: fauci, :censored2: bill gates, :censored2: Pfizer,Moderna and Johnson and Johnson.
For the love of God.