Biden signs executive order mandating vaccination.

Poop Head

Judge me.


Well-Known Member
Lol trump promised us if Biden was elected our 401ks would plummet, Has yours plummeted? Lol 😂
Inflation is destroying the value of our 401k’s as we speak. This was happening under Trump too, so its not a kidsniffer thing. Hes certainly not doing anything to help, unless you invested heavily in afghani womens full body covering manufacturers.


I'm a star
In the middle of a smallpox outbreak too. On George Washingtons orders they grabbed an infected person and stabbed one of his sores and used that to infect his whole army.

See, even back then they knew natural infections granted lifelong immunity.

And how many genders there were!

The Chinese used to grind the scabs of small pox sufferers into powder and ingest that to create an immune response. But pharma can't make billions off scabs. UPS, though...


You know the first polio shots actually gave thousands of kids polio? It's referred to as the "Cutter Incident". What's more, the exact same thing is happening in Africa right now. They are having a massive outbreak of polio caused by their poorly made vaccines, and the vaccinated are driving mutations of polio to the point that the vaccine isn't stopping polio anymore. Does any of that ring a bell? Probably not, since you are only repeating false talking points from CNN, that's probably where you are getting your info. You probably haven't heard about why we are seeing variants popping up. It's due to massive vaccination campaigns during a point of high pathogenic pressure (an outbreak). It's especially bad when you have a leaky vaccine, like mRNA vaccines are, where the vaccinated person can still contract and transmit the virus. The vaccine is tailored to the main strain, so the variants that aren't stopped by the vaccine spread more easily. All you dopes getting vaccinated during a pandemic, are the ones literally killing grandma. If you just let grandma get the vaccine, and let the virus spread naturally amongst the low risk population, like the real experts were saying over a year ago, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Let's revisit this after your 14th booster, and all the other, new mRNA vaccines you will have to get every 6 months.

You wanted socialized medicine, now you want to pick and choose who can get treatment. Lol. The cognitive dissonance... Anyone who is smart who needs help will seek it from people who don't have an incentive to kill them. Also, since you brought up people who had a hard time with covid, let's talk about all the young, healthy people, all developing the same rare disorders a short time after getting vaccinated, some dying, then to have it be determined they died of "natural causes". Ok, sure. Lol.

I especially like the guy who started clotting, had to have his leg amputated, and still recommends people get vaccinated. That's a sign of mental illness, I call it "battered vaxxers syndrome". You are a vaxxsimp. Probably a pharma shill, paid to spread pro vaxx misinformation on social media.
Check back in and let everyone know how you are once you get Covid! Not!


Check back in and let everyone know how you are once you get Covid! Not!
I had the Delta variant back in July. I was sick for a day (literally missed one day of work). I feel fine.

Just checking in. Because, you know, you told us unvaccinated heathens to do so.