Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
In all honesty I didn’t get that one either.Finish the sentence.
In all honesty I didn’t get that one either.Finish the sentence.
That’s a whole lot of words just to say you’re going to do absolutely nothing. There is nothing you can do. So why worry. Deal with it as it comes.Awareness in itself is one, even if minimally, beneficial deterrent.
And should the day come, I looking forward to helping shut down the entire infrastructure grid by doing absolutely nothing.That’s a whole lot of words to say you’re going to do absolutely nothing.
Bro you ain’t gonna do s* regardless.And should the day come, I looking forward to helping shut down the entire infrastructure grid by doing absolutely nothing.
Hey, at least you'll be safe from the cops ever having to "beat your ass" because you'll comply with this nonsense to the very end.Bro you ain’t gonna do s* regardless.
Comply with what? I follow the law and Lo and behold here I am sitting NOT getting my ass kicked. Are you being oppressed? Show me on the doll where the government touched you.Hey, at least you'll be safe from the cops ever having to "beat your ass" because you'll comply with this nonsense to the very end.
Look up the lockdown restrictions they have in place there.Good. If they’re rioting in the streets then they deserve their asses beat but they sure as s* aren’t being beaten or detained for simply stepping out their front door.
I'm glad living life five minutes at a time works for you. Carry on.Comply with what? I follow the law and Lo and behold here I am sitting NOT getting my ass kicked. Are you being oppressed? Show me on the doll where the government touched you.
Look it up. Theyre not gonna show whats going on there cuz biden is trying to copy them.And how are they draconian? I must have missed something major because I haven’t heard a damn thing about an unrest in Australia.
Nope. I look to the future I’m just not sitting here trying to be a keyboard cowboy saying I would take up arms against the government while also having dolls sitting on my dresser. Poser.I'm glad living life five minutes at a time works for you. Carry on.
Where did I say anything about taking up arms against the government? I'll wait.Nope. I look to the future I’m just not sitting here trying to be a keyboard cowboy saying I would take up arms against the government while also having dolls sitting on my dresser. Poser.
Don’t play coy with me you’re not stupid. Not in those words but you’re still trying to play a badass saying you would take drastic measure when we both know you’re a *uck**g p*y.Where did I say anything about taking up arms against the government? I'll wait.
Not comply with any of this bullOk. So what are you going to do about it?
Please. The gubmint seems to forget that not everyone is as worthless as they are. If I and everybody else who actually does something useful for a living decided to justDon’t play coy with me you’re not stupid. Not in those words but you’re still trying to play a badass saying you would take drastic measure when we both know you’re a friend* p*y.
Show them your Naruto collection?
Oh yeah. Totally. Anarchy!! How are you going to provide for yourself? You gonna go hunting and shoot a deer? Clean it? Cook it? You don’t have the skills or the balls and you won’t find how to on DBZ.Please. The gubmint seems to forget that not everyone is as worthless as they are. If I and everybody else who actually does something useful for a living decided to justoff and not do it, what do you think would happen? Not a very drastic measure on an individual basis.
I do. But thats wayyyyyy down the road. Will be plenty of food in dead peoples fridges.Oh yeah. Totally. Anarchy!! How are you going to provide for yourself? You gonna go hunting and shoot a deer? Clean it? Cook it? You don’t have the skills or the balls and you won’t find how to on DBZ.
In cities in Australia right now, you literally cannot leave your neighborhood. Theyre handing out big ass fines like candy if you even drop your mask to drink water, OUTSIDE!Oh yeah. Totally. Anarchy!! How are you going to provide for yourself? You gonna go hunting and shoot a deer? Clean it? Cook it? You don’t have the skills or the balls and you won’t find how to on DBZ.
Yes. Prepping game is a completely lost and abstract skill.Oh yeah. Totally. Anarchy!! How are you going to provide for yourself? You gonna go hunting and shoot a deer? Clean it? Cook it? You don’t have the skills or the balls and you won’t find how to on DBZ.
You have no plan and you would perish quickly without a structured government. Piss off.Yes. Prepping game is a completely lost and abstract skill.