View attachment 353455
Let's all be honest here. The vaccine didn't help with anything. You can still get it, spread it, and have all of the same masking and control measures. This is an endemic where it will eventually make it's way through the world. Trying to avoid it is like going through your whole life never getting a cold. Work on your own health, stop trusting the government (you never did before and you never trusted big Pharma) and live your life.
Oh and "I got it to not have severe symptoms" doesn't really hold up because most people already have very few symptoms and you're likely the same. It doesn't make a difference if I have a mask or the vaccine or you have the mask and vaccine. It's an endemic and it will affect everyone. And hey you have 99.99% chance of surviving. Let it go and mend fences with those the media has divided from you.