
Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
I hope ups makes $10 Billion so we all can get our fair share.

Concessions are out of the question.
  • UPS rewarded shareowners by increasing dividends per share by nearly 10% over the prior year and distributing $840 million during the 1st quarter.

    The rank and file should expect no less.
Good thing I have been buying their stock


Well-Known Member
Ron Burgundy??????????
Yeah that guy....


I'm a star
Shareholders care about one thing and it is not how employees are treated.

The point I was making is that even though we aren't generally treated well, and they keep coming up with ways to make our jobs harder, we still make them money. We do it because we are able to figure out how to make the chicken wire canoe float day in and day out, with no help, and despite added hindrance from management. Imagine how much more we would make them if morale were high from being treated with dignity, and they stopped making us do things that make no sense. Not to mention the millions they would have saved never developing Orion to begin with.