Bomb at Boston Marathon???


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but you are an idiot.

Let's see.........
The Fort Hood murderer hasn't been brought to trial yet.....
The mastermind of Sept 11 hasn't been brought to trial yet.....
The mastermind of the PanAm Lockerbie bombing was released for humanitarian reasons ("illness") and returned to hero's welcome in his country......
Bin Laden's family was flown out of the US immediately after Sept 11......
The family of the terrorist that LT Michael Behenna killed in self defense was treated to a shopping spree in the US on your dime.......

Yup....I'm an idiot.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I'm surprised obama hasn't secretly spirited his muslim homie out of the country for his protection.
Who was the first guy they were trying to deport quick and in a hurry?

Let's see.........
The Fort Hood murderer hasn't been brought to trial yet.....
The mastermind of Sept 11 hasn't been brought to trial yet.....
The mastermind of the PanAm Lockerbie bombing was released for humanitarian reasons ("illness") and returned to hero's welcome in his country......
Bin Laden's family was flown out of the US immediately after Sept 11......
The family of the terrorist that LT Michael Behenna killed in self defense was treated to a shopping spree in the US on your dime.......

Yup....I'm an idiot.
No you are not you nail it every time.
Wasn't the budget cut, not the "sekester" by 45% for domestic bomb protection, now that was an idiot. After being told by authorities that was the one area they could still get us. That is Duh.
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This one wowed me.Us Canadians do this often, but I was really touched by the camaraderie and patriotism.
Amazing.I would like to see more of this from you guys.
I almost teared up.
"Us Canadians", "you guys"? Just because every time it's not on the news doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Nice to see your taking the "Klein's Motivational Speaking Course" is really paying off.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Let's see.........
The Fort Hood murderer hasn't been brought to trial yet.....
The mastermind of Sept 11 hasn't been brought to trial yet.....
The mastermind of the PanAm Lockerbie bombing was released for humanitarian reasons ("illness") and returned to hero's welcome in his country......
Bin Laden's family was flown out of the US immediately after Sept 11......
The family of the terrorist that LT Michael Behenna killed in self defense was treated to a shopping spree in the US on your dime.......

Yup....I'm an idiot.

Sorry, my apologies. You are clearly not an idiot, and I regret saying that.


golden ticket member
I was questoning why the mayor of Boston was speaking when the "end" went down in Watertown.
I checked the site of Watertown on the internet and they have a Town Manager that reports to the city council.......(think small town)

So, I figured being on camera was way beyond the Watertown town manager's pay scale.

I'm glad the citizen of Watertown who called into 911 is SO's his being observant that caught this weasel!!


golden ticket member
In the joy of the capture, let us not forget to remember those who cannot be here with us.
Now begins a long period of recovery for all those still alive yet affected by this terroristic act.​