Bomb at Boston Marathon???


golden ticket member
I was listening to the mother........she says she's 100% sure her sons are innocent and they were set up!!

The father says someone framed them. They are delusional!!! They aren't even with them, how could they know them?.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
I drove up that main road Arsenal St to the Watertown Building around 545 am with a preload,I could not get over that I was allowed through, and the amount of police FBI,ATF Swat National guard that was on that street !! I saw guys with machine guns drawn looking at everything !! The entire town was under lock down,,,Our building is a quarter mile from the shooting and the capture.. Watertown across the river from Boston,and abuts Cambridge Ma. The Watma blding was shut down later and all were givin a VLO for the day,no pm Feeder runs that night so I took a pers day..Never saw anything like it my life!! The Mall across from UPS was wall to wall Polce cars and the other mall was nothing but News trucks from all over N.E and New York ...


Strength through joy
The police chief, Edward Deveau, describes how cops nearly apprehended the older suspect, and were placing handcuffs on him in the middle of the street Thursday night, when the younger suspect came at officers in a carjacked SUV. The cops were able "to dive out of the way," and the younger suspect then continued to drive directly over his brother and dragging him through the street. That's how the older suspect died, according to the police chief.
Amazing New Details from the Chase for the Boston Bombers | The Weekly Standard
Read other reports that classmates were afraid to take a car ride if he was driving .


golden ticket member
Via ABC:
WASHINGTON — President Obama and his national security team met today in the wake of the dramatic arrest Friday night of Dzhokar Tsarnaev, the surviving suspect of the terror attack at the Boston Marathon.

The weekend meeting lasted 90 minutes and was attended by FBI Director Robert Mueller, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, CIA director John Brennan, Attorney General Eric Holder, and other members of the National Security Council, according to a White House statement.

Vice President Joe Biden joined the Situation Room session via teleconference; Biden traveled to Detroit today for an evening fundraiser for the Michigan Democratic Party.
“The President commended the work that was done to pursue justice in the Boston Marathon bombing, and underscored the need to continue gathering intelligence to answer the remaining questions about this terrorist attack going forward,” the White House statement said.

Federal authorities tell ABC News they are planning to invoke a “public safety exception” with Tsarnaev, which allows for them to engage the naturalized U.S. citizen in limited interrogations when there is a threat of danger to the public, without him being read his Miranda rights.
But as the president met with his council today some Republican lawmakers urged the Obama administration to label Tsarnaev an “enemy combatant” as well, a legal status that would put him under the purview of a military commission, rather than a civilian court.

A statement penned by Rep. Peter King and senators John McCain, Kelly Ayotte, and Lindsey Graham said that while they agreed with the decision not to read the suspect his Miranda rights during his arrest, failure to elevate him to an enemy combatant “could severely limit our ability to gather critical information about future attacks.”

“We should be focused on gathering intelligence from this suspect right now that can help our nation understand how this attack occurred and what may follow in the future,” it reads. “That should be our focus, not a future domestic criminal trial that may take years to complete.”
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Well-Known Member

Former CIA Chief of Counter Terrorism Vince Cannistraro has openly stated that MEK is an assassination arm of the Israeli Mossad.

Former and senior U.S. officials believe nuclear spies belonged to the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK), which Israel uses to do targeted killings of Iranian nationals, they said. “The MEK is being used as the assassination arm of Israel’s Mossad intelligence service,” said Vince Cannistraro, former head of the CIA’s Counterterrorism. He said the MEK is in charge of executing “the motor attacks on Iranian targets chosen by Israel. They go to Israel for training, and Israel pays them.” Other former agency officials confirmed this.



Well-Known Member
Re: Boston Marathon Explosion

Was the elder Tsarnaev Brother known to the FBI as much as 2 years ago?

On Friday afternoon, the FBI admitted they had in fact interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev two years ago and found nothing incriminating, CBS news reports. The agency conducted the interview at the request of a so-far unnamed foreign government, CBS says, to see if the elder Tsarnaev had any extremist ties—but their search turned up none.

MotherJones source


golden ticket member
Now, I'm not following or maybe not paying attention, but...........what should the suspect be charge as ???

What charge will get him tried faster?
What charge will get him the death penalty if he's found guilty?


Well-Known Member
Now, I'm not following or maybe not paying attention, but...........what should the suspect be charge as ???

What charge will get him tried faster?
What charge will get him the death penalty if he's found guilty?

Relax Moreluck.....
He's a muslim homie. Nothing will happen to him.


Staff member
How about the wife of the older one? Is she going to be charged? Interrogated? She lived in that home with all the bombs all over the place. I've heard nothing about her.