Bomb at Boston Marathon???


Strength through joy
Now, I'm not following or maybe not paying attention, but...........what should the suspect be charge as ???

What charge will get him tried faster?
What charge will get him the death penalty if he's found guilty?

Mass has no death penalty, so it's up to the Feds to hook up old sparky .
IMHO he is probably looking at 200-300 different charges , hopefully they also charge him with his brother's murder .


Strength through joy


Well-Known Member
Whatever your Political views may be --Law Enforcement -especially the FBI deserve alot of praise and credit after the event took place.

Unfortunately even the movie about the death of Bin Laden gave us a premonition of what the future would hold.:sad-little:

The movie relates to the lack of information we will receive from captured terroists as we become more civilized and do not pour water over their faces.

If we had "enhanced interogation procedures _ still in place --many of these terror events can be stopped .

Of course letting the jerks plan and execute --causing Death , Mayhem and Destruction is much more civilized. Be proud --but also be very scared !!!:sick:


Staff member
How about the wife of the older one? Is she going to be charged? Interrogated? She lived in that home with all the bombs all over the place. I've heard nothing about her.

Boston bombers: FBI hunting 12-strong terrorist “sleeper cell” linked to brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Frikken weirdo was wearing a hijab when they took her. This is an American women. Parents must be real proud...

Doesn't say what they're doing with her. She needs some water boarding too. She lived there in a house full of bombs, she knows something.


golden ticket member
I want to know what was done when Russia warned us about the dead one way back when. What did we do....ignore the info. ???


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Probably too busy figuring out how to fight those tea party people, than worrying how to protect our country from bona fide terrorists.


Got the T-Shirt


golden ticket member
What a class act.....and he did it on his own dime too !!!

Via The Hollywood Reporter:
The singer took a red-eye flight from Los Angeles to Boston and made it to Fenway Park just before Saturday’s game.

Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline” has long been a staple at Boston’s Fenway Park, and the man himself showed up Saturday to treat Red Sox fans to a surprise rendition of the hit.
The game had been delayed prior to Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s arrested Friday.

Diamond’s rep tells The Hollywood Reporter as soon as the singer heard the Red Sox game was going to happen, he felt a need to be there. He took a red-eye flight with his wife, Katie McNeil, from Los Angeles to Boston and made his way to Fenway directly from the airport in time for the game’s opening ceremony.

“I was humbled and honored to be in Boston and to be able to personally thank and express my gratitude to the first responders and law enforcement officers,” Diamond said through his rep.

He also tweeted a photo of himself from Boston.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I thought the government did all the heroic stuff. I thought the government was responsible for all the good things that happened. Was it barney fwank who said so?


Well-Known Member
What a class act.....and he did it on his own dime too !!!

Via The Hollywood Reporter:
The singer took a red-eye flight from Los Angeles to Boston and made it to Fenway Park just before Saturday’s game.

Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline” has long been a staple at Boston’s Fenway Park, and the man himself showed up Saturday to treat Red Sox fans to a surprise rendition of the hit.
The game had been delayed prior to Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s arrested Friday.

Diamond’s rep tells The Hollywood Reporter as soon as the singer heard the Red Sox game was going to happen, he felt a need to be there. He took a red-eye flight with his wife, Katie McNeil, from Los Angeles to Boston and made his way to Fenway directly from the airport in time for the game’s opening ceremony.

“I was humbled and honored to be in Boston and to be able to personally thank and express my gratitude to the first responders and law enforcement officers,” Diamond said through his rep.

He also tweeted a photo of himself from Boston.
Some do not know this...........

Diamond was born in Brooklyn, New York, to a Jewish family descended from Russian and Polish immigrants.
His parents were Rose (née Rapaport) and Akeeba "Kieve" Diamond, a dry-goods merchant.


golden ticket member
Via National Review:
In light of the recent events in Boston, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani told Face the Nation’s Bob Schieffer that it is important to recognize these sorts of attacks are part of a grander war in the eyes of the attackers. “The reality is whether we want to call this a war on terror, they call this a war on us,” Giuliani said. “These two young men joined a war. If you look at their website, they’re talking about jihad, they’re talking about war, so they are at war against us.

“Also, I think it would be very helpful to reclassify the Major Hassan case as a terrorism attack,” Giuliani said of the 2009 Fort Hood shooting. “It’s really kind of strange, and I think harmful in the effort of kind of breaking through this political correctness so that we can analyze this effectively, not to describe Major Hassan’s attack” as terrorism, he added.

The Defense Department classified the shooting as an incident of “workplace violence.”


golden ticket member
These are the kind of people that our great leader picks.......geez.....

Philip Mudd was Obama’s first nominee for intelligence chief at the Department of Homeland Security, he ended up withdrawing his nomination.
Via Mediaite:
Philip Mudd, former counterterror expert for the CIA and the FBI, joined Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday to discuss the nature of the threat posed by the Tsarnaev brothers and any network they may have been associated with in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings.

He said the Boston attack reminded him more of the 1999 attack on Columbine than a terror event orchestrated by a foreign network. “I would charge these guys as murders not terrorists,” Mudd said of the suspects in the attack on the Boston Marathon.


Staff member
These are the kind of people that our great leader picks.......geez.....

Philip Mudd was Obama’s first nominee for intelligence chief at the Department of Homeland Security, he ended up withdrawing his nomination.
Via Mediaite:
Philip Mudd, former counterterror expert for the CIA and the FBI, joined Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday to discuss the nature of the threat posed by the Tsarnaev brothers and any network they may have been associated with in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings.

He said the Boston attack reminded him more of the 1999 attack on Columbine than a terror event orchestrated by a foreign network. “I would charge these guys as murders not terrorists,” Mudd said of the suspects in the attack on the Boston Marathon.

That's how Timothy McVeigh was charged, and he was found guilty and executed. I don't know why people get so hung up over semantics, this guy is looking at the death penalty regardless of whether you call him a murderer or a terrorist.


Well-Known Member
That's how Timothy McVeigh was charged, and he was found guilty and executed. I don't know why people get so hung up over semantics, this guy is looking at the death penalty regardless of whether you call him a murderer or a terrorist.

I could be wrong but I don't think McVeigh was muslim.


Staff member
I could be wrong but I don't think McVeigh was muslim.
That's neither here nor there. McVeigh by his own accounting was engaged in a war against the US government, in the course of which he bombed a federal building and killed a lot more people than these two losers did. He was charged, convicted, and executed for it and ultimately it didn't matter whether you thought he was a terrorist or a murderer because the outcome was the same.