Bomb at Boston Marathon???


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
It's too bad he wasn't just killed in the shootout at the boat. Would have saved so much taxpayer money.


Strength through joy
Ever wonder why his parents never showed up at his trial ?
Because they would be arrested if they set foot back in the USA for out standing warrants for theft .

Nice family claimed that they feared for their lives in their home country , so the USA took them in , gave their children an education , provided housing for them , gave them EBT cards and free medical .
So how do they thank us by stealing and taking 6 months trips back to their home country . And their EBT cards keep getting refilled while they are away .
Mama also forget to mention that her youngest son ran over her oldest son killing him with a car while trying to flee from the police .


nowhere special


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Life without the possibility of parole. Fed pork daily. Lets at least deny him the 72 virgins for as long as possible. Killing him is what he would want.


golden ticket member
The bomber's relatives flown to this country (who knows how many), put up in hotels and provided with 24 hour security for his trial.......provided by the taxpayers. WHAT ??

That disturbed me.......If your kid is on trial in Texas, the taxpayers don't pay your expenses to be there. Are we the dumbest country ever ??

If your kid is on trial in this country and you live in another country....get here by your own means!!!! Why do we foot the bill for this kind of crap??
The bomber's relatives flown to this country (who knows how many), put up in hotels and provided with 24 hour security for his trial.......provided by the taxpayers. WHAT ??

That disturbed me.......If your kid is on trial in Texas, the taxpayers don't pay your expenses to be there. Are we the dumbest country ever ??

If your kid is on trial in this country and you live in another country....get here by your own means!!!! Why do we foot the bill for this kind of crap??
I agree 100%