Superior language, wages and benefits. Wages and bennies under Hoffa negotiated CBA's were superior to any CBA since 1976. Carey got us a 12.5% wage hike with a 33% benny boost in the 93-97 deal. Another 15.3% wage and 25% benny boost in '97-'02. But Hoffa came in and raised wages by 21% and bennies by 40% in '02-'08 with another 14.4% wage bump and another 40% benny increase in '08. Without those contributions to benefit plans, we'd all be working til we're 70.
But you threw a sucker punch. I'm not wasting time searching out specific articles for you cause whatever I list won't meet your criteria. Anyone with any sense understands all UPS contracts have improvements over the prior CBA's. In '93 the NM CBA was 96 pgs. In '13 it was up to 173. Do you really think that was 77 more pages of restrictions?
You already listed improvements in a prior post, do your own research. KO
I'm assuming all these stats are in regards to UPS?
Divide those impressive percentages by 5 for an annual amount and compare it to UPS's percentage of increased profit and it becomes much less impressive.
How's the few remaining freight companies fairing?
Benny boost?
Is this a boost in benefit contributions or actual benefit levels, because mine took a big hit recently in regards to level?
Until this "superior language" actual translates into something tangible; instead of being reintpreted at the state panels, that's all it is, language. ( aka fluff)
How many increased pages can be attributed to the ever expanding drug testing language?
Move the cards around, find the queen if you can, but in the end we are going backwards.