Build That Wall!!


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Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I understand something has 2 be done .. when I first heard the idea of a wall my mind wondered 2 Berlin etc .... I fully support keeping illegals out of our country ... not really sold on a wall



Well-Known Member
I rank illegals pretty low on the problems we have. I think all energy spent pointing at illegals serves to draw attention away from the much larger problems. Nothing exemplifies that more than the fact that an actual majority of younger generations support socialism. Start exploring why that is, and I think you’ll start finding the real problems. Put another way, what has become unattractive about capitalism?

To borrow from the president, it’s rigged.

they want free school. once they get on the other end and start seeing how much they pay in taxes they change. I'm watching mine go through that transition right now.


Well-Known Member
Not socialism, social insurance. That you young folk are paying for. Bwahahaha!
Social insurance . Hahahaha. Let me get this straight. Any publicly funded social program that stands to benefit you personally in your advancing age is
...."social insurance"......and those that won't is "socialism"....... But, here's the alarming part. There are others like you out there who believe the same. The
"I'm entitled to mine but you're not entitled to yours" mentality.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Social insurance . Hahahaha. Let me get this straight. Any publicly funded social program that stands to benefit you personally in your advancing age is
...."social insurance"......and those that won't is "socialism"....... But, here's the alarming part. There are others like you out there who believe the same. The
"I'm entitled to mine but you're not entitled to yours" mentality.
You did not understand the distinction ( Imagine that! LOL )
If a citizen pays into a specific government program that will invest that money and then repatriates those investments back to the contributing citizen pay you at some point in the future .... that is Social Insurance.
If a citizen pays into a General Government Tax that is redistributed to others with no assurance of it being paid back to the individual that contributed the tax - that is Socialism.

Did you take a Civics class in your schooling? (No, not Honda - SMH)

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
If Latin Americans can dig the Panama Canal digging a tunnel under Trump's wall is no job at all.
Damn! You are one ignorant person - especially considering you comment on everything.

Latin Americans did not build the Panama Canal - French and US Americans built the canal using local labor.


Inordinately Right
If a citizen pays into a specific government program that will invest that money and then repatriates those investments back to the contributing citizen pay you at some point in the future .... that is Social Insurance.
FFS, what a load of garbage.

You really need to look into intragovernmental debt. Your social security contributions aren't invested, they're :censored2:ing gone.

It's a Ponzi scheme you dimwit dumbutt.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
FFS, what a load of garbage.

You really need to look into intragovernmental debt. Your social security contributions aren't invested, they're :censored2:ing gone.

It's a Ponzi scheme you dimwit dumbutt.
Go read your history.
As originally set up, SS was in accounts that could not be touched by Congress or President. The government could borrow against it but interest had to be paid.

Oh God, it's hard to deal with be surrounded by such ignorant people! SMH

Read this US Government site and gain some knowledge ... something you are in great need of!
Social Security History