Build That Wall!!


Well-Known Member
I like the idea where Sen. Ted Cruz stated we should seize all of El Chapo's assets. It will pay for the remainder of the wall and then some. Also, do not allow anyone in with minor children or unaccompanied children. We need to take care of our own. Did anyone catch where they caught another illegal (who have been here like 4 other times). He was shooting at a California deputy - they show the call on her body cam. There will be no trial as she was a better shot than he was. Gotta love karma. Check it out on You Tube as it wasn't on the national news.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The House Harkonnen can't handle the spice ... just like the Dimwits.

Great novel by Frank Herbert and a weird (David Lynch) adaptation in the movie.
I am looking forward to the 'Prelude to Dune' coming out one of these years.
They’re making a new movie. I’ve never read Herbert’s kid’s books, always heard they weren’t very good.