Build That Wall!!


Well-Known Member

Barr’s four page summary isn’t the Mueller Report.

We know what Barr decided about the Report, but we don’t know what the Report actually says.

It’s a moot point - I think the odds of finding criminality on the part of the President were near zero, so for all purposes, Trump is ‘exonerated’...Impeachment is a Political process, and politically it wasn’t going anywhere, before or after the Report.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
What would House Democrats possibly want to try and impeach Trump for at this point?
He plays golf.
The way he combs his hair.
He got laid a lot by a lot of different women before he was elected President.
He's on Twitter a lot.
He's rich and doesn't care if you aren't.
He talks too much, but when he's done , he's right.
He served fast food at the White House.

The list just goes on and on of the unspeakable things about this guy.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Cause they're butthurt? IDK

As a strategy, it's ridiculous, the Senate would never go for it so why bother.

Yep. Which is also why they should STFU about the obstruction question too. They’d be dragged through a hog :censored2: lagoon if they pursued it. Because now, for example, Trump can say things like: “I fired Comey because I knew I was innocent and the FBI’s conspiracy theories about Russia were really getting me worried.”


Well-Known Member
Yep. Which is also why they should STFU about the obstruction question too. They’d be dragged through a hog :censored2: lagoon if they pursued it. Because now, for example, Trump can say things like: “I fired Comey because I knew I was innocent and the FBI’s conspiracy theories about Russia were really getting me worried.”

its been a while and there has been a lot of political dialogue and half cooked trumpism since but I always thought Trump fired Comey because of his appearance in front of congress.

Comey went in front of Congress about a week before he was fired and said some stupid stuff that caused an uproar. At the time the dems hated comey more then trump and it seemed a good time to let him go. one week later he was gone. seemed like it might have been the last straw. one thing about Trump he fires them when they make a public spectacle of theirselves i.E. Mooch and Spicer

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Barr’s four page summary isn’t the Mueller Report.

We know what Barr decided about the Report, but we don’t know what the Report actually says.

It’s a moot point - I think the odds of finding criminality on the part of the President were near zero, so for all purposes, Trump is ‘exonerated’...Impeachment is a Political process, and politically it wasn’t going anywhere, before or after the Report.
Very wise deduction!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Barr’s four page summary isn’t the Mueller Report.

We know what Barr decided about the Report, but we don’t know what the Report actually says.

It’s a moot point - I think the odds of finding criminality on the part of the President were near zero, so for all purposes, Trump is ‘exonerated’...Impeachment is a Political process, and politically it wasn’t going anywhere, before or after the Report.
I'm sure the Dim's will find something ... it's a political process.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Or take away the requirement to pay for the wall, constantly try to eliminate the wall and provide no replacement for the existing wall.
They actually did try to replace Obamacare but the democrats including McCain voted it down. whats good healthcare when a political opportunity to vote it down and blame the other side exists.