Damn, you guys really took this thread over, huh?
Don't mean to interrupt, I just want to update really quick. I ended up covering this route again two weeks ago. It took a couple days but a big part of my problem was that I didn't know the difference between on-route pick-ups and scheduled pick-ups. Over half of this route's pick-ups are on-route, but when I saw what looked like a scheduled time next to the stop I thought I had to be at all those places at exact times.
Once I figured that out, the route became much, much easier to run. It also helps when you figure out where to go and who to talk to when you have a *-ton of business stops.
So yeah, that's the gist of it. I was just ignorant of things that I should've known a year ago, lol. Well... that's it. I guess y'all can carry on now.