Business stops?


Well-Known Member
I deliver Gamestop because there is no way the bid driver for the route that it should be on can make it there by noon. It is in the same complex as Walmart, which is my first stop.


Well-Known Member
I haven't worked preload in several years. As mentioned above, most of the time your floor stops are businesses. However, you can have a bulkstop that is numbered. It is ok to put it on the floor that is near that section of the shelf. Just do the job as you were trained to do it. Use the methods and work safe. If the driver wants it done a way different than the way you were taught then he can rearrange it. I didn't mind do things a certain way if a driver wanted it done, but no way am I going to rearrange the entire way I load the truck.


Well-Known Member
I deliver Gamestop because there is no way the bid driver for the route that it should be on can make it there by noon. It is in the same complex as Walmart, which is my first stop.
I've got Gamestop also. They are my biggest stop right now. 4 cartloads Friday! I too have Walmart, but at least they have a dock.