By Invitation Only


nowhere special
Blasting it on Facebook? It’s not a blast, they’re sharing a funny picture. It’s not any different than half the crap anybody else posts.

Its like when a UPS driver has to listen to an irate customer. Keep your mouth shut and walk away. Many jobs restrict what the employees can do.


Resident Suit



nowhere special
If there was an actual issue with a post, like an incriminating post.
The criminal would be found through IP Address and location and special technology that many of us aren't even aware of.
Especially if you use your cellphone or home computer, even a public library computer. There's no real anonymity.
Not online.
No matter what you say your name is or where you are.
There's an address that leads back to you that website forensics can trace without issue.

Almost any idiot can figure out how to use a proxy to hide their IP address.

Admittedly much more easily done on a computer than a cellphone though.


Resident Suit
No different than the standard they hold kids to.

If kids are caught drinking or anything like that on the weekend away from school ground the school still punishes them.

Teachers should have the same standards.
I’ve never been to a school that did that. Only at school functions would they punish anyone


Is No Longer Affiliated With UPS
Almost any idiot can figure out how to use a proxy to hide their IP address.

Admittedly much more easily done on a computer than a cellphone though.

Am I the only one who doesn't do this? Shoot, I've got so many trophies already I'd hate to just throw them away by deleting this account and coming back as a random poxy hidden safer poster. What a Bummer. :noobiesmiley:


Resident Suit
If there was an actual issue with a post, like an incriminating post.
The criminal would be found through IP Address and location and special technology that many of us aren't even aware of.
Especially if you use your cellphone or home computer, even a public library computer. There's no real anonymity.
Not online.
No matter what you say your name is or where you are.
There's an address that leads back to you that website forensics can trace without issue.
If UPS wanted me gone I’d be gone, they don’t need some computer forensics to discover if I’m really the guy who posts all the GIFs.

Hell my district manager follows me on twitter and sees the same gifs I post on here. He can make the connection.


nowhere special
If UPS wanted me gone I’d be gone, they don’t need some computer forensics to discover if I’m really the guy who posts all the GIFs.

Hell my district manager follows me on twitter and sees the same gifs I post on here. He can make the connection.

What about the time you got hammered and briefly stopped posting?


Resident Suit
But they are friends with parents or even students or other faculty.

I'm sorry it's part of the job. It's actually pretty simple. Don't be a :censored2:. This picture is something I'd expect from a 14 year old. Not adults.
Well then we’ll just have to disagree. I don’t think it changes who they are, and the job they do. And that’s what we should judge them on. Firing them just because someone’s parent might see it on Facebook is just dumb.