By Invitation Only


Resident Suit
That’s what I’m saying though. That mortgage debt 30 years ago is equal to student loan debt now.

Trust me I get that student debt sucks. We pay 3k per month for my wife’s. There’s still a serious problem with priories and young adults.

My niece goes without meals almost everyday but they give their 2 dogs everything.
I skipped a meal or two during the lean times for my dog. But it’s also a double edged sword. We may not have had the money to do a bunch of things, but the joy the dog brought us replaced that. And fairly cheaply too.

I have a problem with always needing the newest iPhone and every music/tv streaming service under the sun.


Resident Suit
Houses are far more affordable now in most parts of the country (except for the coasts full of crazy people). Mortgage rates are much cheaper than they used to be. College is about 10 times as expensive.

Which is a better bargain?
A house isn’t always a better investment than an education. I would say most of the time it isn’t


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
My nephew and his girlfriend lived with me for a few months. He worked at the Louis Vuitton store. The whole time they lived with me he would bring home bags from there but when it was time for them to move they didn’t have the money to get a place. Plus I had to bug him just to give me $300 for utilities. That’s all I asked from them for the three months they were there.
Their parents really screwed up. Any normal person would feel compelled to pay rent.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I skipped a meal or two during the lean times for my dog. But it’s also a double edged sword. We may not have had the money to do a bunch of things, but the joy the dog brought us replaced that. And fairly cheaply too.

I have a problem with always needing the newest iPhone and every music/tv streaming service under the sun.
Yes I’m just using the dogs as an example. Could be any number of things.

Wife and I both got new iPhones recently. Cellphone is $220 now with the phones on there.

Had someone recently asking about them and the cost. They said oh that’s not bad. This person has far greater things to worry about spending $200 a month on I promise.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Are your schools locally funded? This will cost plenty.
Our school is actually really lucky. Our superintendent actually gives classes on writing grant applications. He’s a whiz.

A few years back Illinois had a budget impasse and there was no money approved for schools to start the year. Some schools didn’t have enough money to operate for more than a few days without state money. Our school had over 365 days of surplus in the bank.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Our school is actually really lucky. Our superintendent actually gives classes on writing grant applications. He’s a whiz.

A few years back Illinois had a budget impasse and there was no money approved for schools to start the year. Some schools didn’t have enough money to operate for more than a few days without state money. Our school had over 365 days of surplus in the bank.
I wonder what the number of Illinois 5 year olds not in school actually is?