California is a sorry excuse for a state


Well-Known Member
We are not a democracy, I'll answer your dodge. The government is your answer.
no i said tax system and economic system. tax system would be government. economic system is enforced by government meaning you can only have slavery in jail for example.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
But the system we have requires the owner to employ us in order for him to make money. In exchange for making him money we should be paid fairly and he should settle for reasonable wealth. Not strive to be one of the richest in the world while pushing us to accept subsistence pay. It's about balance, and unfortunately the only way FedEx will seek balance is if the employees unionize. But then many union employees demonstrate why companies went offshore because unions too often weren't interested in balance either.
I would agree with you if I were a Socialist, but fortunately, I'm a Capitalist.


Well-Known Member
see there you go again with your low expectations. we actually can all live very comfortable lives. we have a failed system which is holding us back with mediocre technology. its 2017 and we should be off big oil by now for example.

america currently produces more than $200,000 for every family of four, but its so inefficently distributed that you have a few people at the top with way more than they need, and half the country near or in poverty. more and more people becoming poor every day.
You are way overstating the poverty issue. Look at FedEx. Look at it's total payroll and compare it to it's profit. Where is the money coming from to give everyone high pay? Do I think they should've done better in the past? Absolutely. But I also think the new pay plan is fair for what they're asking people to do. I don't think it's fair that people who've already worked 10+ years have to work another 9 to top out but after two decades of low pay it's better than nothing. But some people are never satisfied if they see their boss making more.


Well-Known Member
I would agree with you if I were a Socialist, but fortunately, I'm a Capitalist.
And because Socialists believe we can all have great financial lives and the Capitalists believe only owners should enjoy the fruits of their labor then we'll have this continual struggle that too often in the past lead to bloodshed. No one wants to settle for reasonable, it's all me, me, me.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
And because Socialists believe we can all have great financial lives and the Capitalists believe only owners should enjoy the fruits of their labor then we'll have this continual struggle that too often in the past lead to bloodshed. No one wants to settle for reasonable, it's all me, me, me.
There are plenty of Capitalists who reward their employees that create wealth for them both. They won't be found in large corporations with Boards and Beancounters, however.


Well-Known Member
Van, you have been a helper for the past few weeks or so-----what do you think is a fair hourly/annual wage for a UPS FT seniority pkg car driver?

I have stated in the past that $25-28/hr, plus benefits, would be a more appropriate wage for a job that only requires a HS diploma and drivers license.


Well-Known Member
And because Socialists believe we can all have great financial lives and the Capitalists believe only owners should enjoy the fruits of their labor then we'll have this continual struggle that too often in the past lead to bloodshed. No one wants to settle for reasonable, it's all me, me, me.
it would be reasonable if workers are the ones who own and decide what to do with the fruits of their labour like many worker cooperatives do


Well-Known Member
Don't believe in clear questions, huh?

We're not salaried employees, and I don't know any driver who works only 40 hours a week. You wanna try again at asking a clear question?
Over 40 hours is OT. If it's available fine. Aren't UPS drivers making around $72k on 40 hours? Is that fair? If not how much do you think they should make? And if they are all working OT at over $50hr then are they then making enough with good benefits or do you feel it should be more?