California is a sorry excuse for a state


Well-Known Member
If IRS rules don't allow it, why bother with the question. I have no idea of all the rules.

I just responded about the people who are bad money managers. You let them run their own 401k and borrow, make hardship withdrawals and not even join, you will see broke people when they retire.

We had a retirement Q&A meeting just a few weeks ago. Some 30 year people are not even enrolled in the 401k. Pure ignorance

Regarding your last sentence, I can't respond with intelligence, nor can you. We don't know their financials, quite possibly it takes every penny to meet their obligations and simply can't take advantage of the matching FEDEX offers.


Well-Known Member
Regarding your last sentence, I can't respond with intelligence, nor can you. We don't know their financials, quite possibly it takes every penny to meet their obligations and simply can't take advantage of the matching FEDEX offers.
People who have been working here over 30 years, buy $40k or more new cars can sacrifice a few $ a month for retirement. One day they will wake up and be like tex, living in poverty on 2k per month.


Well-Known Member
It's mandatory, and it's something that has to be taken into consideration when it comes to compensation. Not a lot of people want to work these hours.

More like $75k here, depends on area, since some have pay raises diverted to underfunded pensions.

For my area, I would say yes. I think some regional and local unions should probably consider adding cost of living adjustments to their supplements.

Our pay has more or less, simply kept up with inflation over the last 30+ years. I think that should continue.

I think it's unfortunate that other jobs haven't. I also think it's unfortunate that people in those other jobs resent people who are fairly compensated and want to bring others down with them.
And that was the best discussion you and I have ever had. Knew it was possible.


Well-Known Member
People who have been working here over 30 years, buy $40k or more new cars can sacrifice a few $ a month for retirement. One day they will wake up and be like tex, living in poverty on 2k per month.
I'll soon be living in stunning mountains where a decent meal costs $3. You'll be working.


Well-Known Member
You've made that thoroughly clear.
You asked me a question and say you have the answer and I have no interest in the subject. Seems like you want to say you have the answer when in reality, you just showed you ARE full of crap. Bummer
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Well-Known Member
Nope, even if my workers owned the company I couldn't afford to pay them much more than I do now. The gain I get for the risk and stress of ownership is the eventual sale price of the company. That could easily end up being $0. I've had plenty of workers over the years that are former business owners and they aren't interested in ownership anymore. They are happier with the relatively stress free job.
thats why i like coops, they spread the risk and the rewards and they can be democratic.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
if you believe in democracy, then capitalism is unjustifiable. workers voting at their jobs would be in line with our democratic values.

not 1 shareholder 1 vote. 1 worker 1 vote.
Where were you supposed to go to school? Because it sounds like you attended by proxy.
Either that, or your mom dropped you on your head.


Well-Known Member
if you believe in democracy, then capitalism is unjustifiable. workers voting at their jobs would be in line with our democratic values.

not 1 shareholder 1 vote. 1 worker 1 vote.
I despise democracy, The United States of America is a Republic.