California is a sorry excuse for a state


Fight the power.
It has aspects of both, thus not entirely one or the other.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
democracy is a threat to any power system - chomsky

your government regularily publicly justifies invading / bombing other countries to spread democracy.
Now you sound like a Marxist.
And I'm not sure, but I don't think you'll find a lot of support here for that.


Well-Known Member
U.S.A. is a representative democracy, as opposed to a pure democracy.
What that has to do with the employee/employer relationship only exists in the mind of an infantile intellect.
Representative Republic. We have democratic elections, until the presidential election, that is the reason Trump is President and Hillary is pissed, among other things.


Well-Known Member
Enlighten me...
its the states (and rotten presidents like obama) who dont raise minimum wage which are sick. america's best minimum wage adjusted for inflation was in 1968 which would be roughly $12/hr today.

what a just society would do would strike that balance between increasing the min wage and loss of jobs, and then make up the difference with government money. no one should have to work more than 40 hours a week, and even thats too much in this day and age if you ask me.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Enlighten me...
Unions are simply third-party negotiators for compensation and benefits packages (key word:negotiated). They are exclusive to a particular business/industry.

Minimum wage is a mandate that forces ALL businesses to comply, without the benefit of negotiations. In a take it or leave it scenario, many businesses deal with it by avoiding or minimizing exposure to the law.

If you can't comprehend the effects each has on employment, I can't enlighten you further.


Well-Known Member
Unions are simply third-party negotiators for compensation and benefits packages (key word:negotiated). They are exclusive to a particular business/industry.

Minimum wage is a mandate that forces ALL businesses to comply, without the benefit of negotiations. In a take it or leave it scenario, many businesses deal with it by avoiding or minimizing exposure to the law.

If you can't comprehend the effects each has on employment, I can't enlighten you further.
minimum wage is a way of planning the economy by law because the free market would otherwise leave us with worse results.

FOR EXAMPLE: america has no law for guaranteed vacation. it is left to the free market. and guess what, because labour is so weak in america, workers take less vacation than most other developed countries which guarantee 4 weeks or more paid vacation. you can see the report "no vacation nation" by EPI

min wage offers the possibility of increased employment because it puts more money in the hands of those who spend all their money back into the economy.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
its the states (and rotten presidents like obama) who dont raise minimum wage which are sick. america's best minimum wage adjusted for inflation was in 1968 which would be roughly $12/hr today.

what a just society would do would strike that balance between increasing the min wage and loss of jobs, and then make up the difference with government money. no one should have to work more than 40 hours a week, and even thats too much in this day and age if you ask me.
And GOD FORBID that individuals should be required to be skilled, educated, or talented enough to make their own, independent way through life without the intervention of the competent and efficient GOVERNMENT.


Well-Known Member
And GOD FORBID that individuals should be required to be skilled, educated, or talented enough to make their own, independent way through life without the intervention of the competent and efficient GOVERNMENT.
well if they really cared about that then why is college so inaccessible for poor people?

the idea that government cant do anything right is wrong.

not having skills is not justification for poverty living.