California is a sorry excuse for a state

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
People are selfish and narcissistic.
They want to pay $1 for a burger, and they don't care if other Americans have to live in poverty so they can get it. It's disgusting.

They're doing work that any goofy 16 year-old kid can do. What kind of pay do they expect?

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
who's worth more a chinese factory worker, or a fast food worker in the US?

Depends on who you ask and when you ask him. If I want fast food, then the fast food worker is worth more. If I want something made in Chinese factory, then the Chinese factory worker is worth more.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
america currently produces more than $200,000 for every family of four, but its so inefficently distributed that you have a few people at the top with way more than they need, and half the country near or in poverty.

Wealth isn't distributed, it's earned.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
it would be reasonable if workers are the ones who own and decide what to do with the fruits of their labour like many worker cooperatives do

The owners of the business who have actually taken on the risk of operating the company might object.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
well they are and im not sure why they are not more prevalent.

Let me clear it up for you.

The people who have the ideas, the talent, the money, etc. want to make money. They don't want to be held hostage by those whose main investment was filling out the job application.


Well-Known Member
Listen you indoctrinates! You have been sold on a service economy by a huge federal, centralized government, where few people pull the strings of power. This has happened under the Bush dynasty and the immaculation of Obama. This is why wages have been stagnant for 20 years. Now you have been sold that you need to go to college. This has produced 1 trillion dollars in student loan debt. Many, I MEAN MANY, have defaulted on these loans because they can't find gainful employment. Any compassionate, functional society should be able to find good paying jobs for the majority that don't go to college. Hell, the greatest generation only had an average 8 grade education. Wake up you koolaid drinkers. Or embrace the crony capitalism of Fred S!

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
its the states (and rotten presidents like obama) who dont raise minimum wage which are sick. america's best minimum wage adjusted for inflation was in 1968 which would be roughly $12/hr today.

what a just society would do would strike that balance between increasing the min wage and loss of jobs, and then make up the difference with government money. no one should have to work more than 40 hours a week, and even thats too much in this day and age if you ask me.

Society can't agree on anything, let alone how to accomplish your the nonsense you're proposing.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
minimum wage is a way of planning the economy by law because the free market would otherwise leave us with worse results.

FOR EXAMPLE: america has no law for guaranteed vacation. it is left to the free market. and guess what, because labour is so weak in america, workers take less vacation than most other developed countries which guarantee 4 weeks or more paid vacation. you can see the report "no vacation nation" by EPI

When I left FedEx I had over one month of paid time off each year. Plus 6 holidays. Plus a week of sick time that I could use if I was "sick" (WINK WINK) or get paid for if I didn't use it. None of it mandated by law!

min wage offers the possibility of increased employment because it puts more money in the hands of those who spend all their money back into the economy.

Makes no sense.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
well if they really cared about that then why is college so inaccessible for poor people?

College is full of poor people.

the idea that government cant do anything right is wrong.

Define "right." It does many things, and it how well it does it ranges from complete failure to pretty good. Unfortunately, it does so ineffeciently.

not having skills is not justification for poverty living.

Combine it with laziness and it's a GREAT justification.


Inordinately Right
Your many comments about people of age is hypocritical... Can you see that? In other words you dismiss them causing your own mind to be closed. Open is better. :thumbup1:

Gerontophobia is the fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly. Many people have this phobia. The term comes from the Greek γέρων – gerōn, "old man" and φόβος – phobos, "fear":wheelchai

Get some help because someday you'll be there.
Must have struck a nerve lol.
I don't dismiss them, I hear and see their garbage everywhere.
I certainly don't fear people who have diapers in their near future.

A gerontocracy is a form of oligarchical rule in which an entity is ruled by leaders who are significantly older than most of the adult population.

As long as we allow people who won't even live long enough to experience their terrible policies, our form of government is doomed.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The educational system fails them before they even make it to college age. And the current administration is basically going full attack against public education at this point. Things aren't going to get better.

Republicans have an aversion to education, they think it's some liberal conspiracy.

Oh, please. What is the GOP going to do, take away all the books and close the schools?

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
for one its been defunded intentionally. imposing debt was a means of social control. another thing is lending out money drives up the prices. theres more stuff too.

No one ever imposed debt upon me. I went hog wild with those credit cards of my own free, unrestrained, and immature will.


Inordinately Right
They're doing work that any goofy 16 year-old kid can do. What kind of pay do they expect?
A living wage would be good, but certainly at least enough to keep them out of poverty, and off of welfare and food stamps. I used to not understand why republicans wanted to subsidize corporate profits with taxpayer funded entitlement programs. But when you look at the huge tax cuts they give to the wealthy and corporations, it makes a little more sense. The GOP doesn't give two craps about the middle class.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
A living wage would be good, but certainly at least enough to keep them out of poverty, and off of welfare and food stamps.

A wage high enough to accomplish that would price a sizable portion of the current out the workforce.

I used to not understand why republicans wanted to subsidize corporate profits with taxes. But when you look at the huge tax cuts they give to the wealthy and corporations, it makes a little more sense. The GOP doesn't give two craps about the middle class.

And then there's the logic that giving tax cuts to someone who makes a lot of money is bad.