California is a sorry excuse for a state


Well-Known Member
Tea Party protests - Wikipedia

are you in favor of non violent right wing protests?

so aside from voting it doesnt matter what you think because you dont do anything anyways? theres not much point in debating on here if y
theyre humans, not animals. just like KKK are humans not animals.
If I stipulate they are humans, will you stipulate they are acting as uncivilized humans? I thoroughly realize they are human, they choose act as animals.


Well-Known Member
If I stipulate they are humans, will you stipulate they are acting as uncivilized humans? I thoroughly realize they are human, they choose act as animals.
theres a major difference between dehumanizing someone, and saying they are acting like animals.


Well-Known Member
So far you have "reports", i.e. speculation. I prefer we focus on things that have actually happened so that we can prevent them happening in the future.
Read Ryan's plan to "save' and "reform" Medicare. Social Security? They want to privatize it But to who's benefit? Why the banks or course. Sales and management fees will take a huge bite out of small accounts but they don't care. Medicaid? The current budget proposals call for cutting 25 million from Medicaid this year and upwards of a trillion in the years ahead. Doesn't impact you , you might say? Two thirds of Medicaid's budget goes to pay for the care of nursing home patients whose own money has been exhausted and currently 62% of all nursing home patients nationwide are on Medicaid.


Well-Known Member
Read Ryan's plan to "save' and "reform" Medicare. Social Security? They want to privatize it But to who's benefit? Why the banks or course. Sales and management fees will take a huge bite out of small accounts but they don't care. Medicaid? The current budget proposals call for cutting 25 million from Medicaid this year and upwards of a trillion in the years ahead. Doesn't impact you , you might say? Two thirds of Medicaid's budget goes to pay for the care of nursing home patients whose own money has been exhausted and currently 62% of all nursing home patients nationwide are on Medicaid.
$25 million is a pretty small cut. But you've got to consider that we can't keep just jacking up the national debt. Cuts will have to be made and people will have to tighten belts no matter which party is in power.


Well-Known Member
$25 million is a pretty small cut. But you've got to consider that we can't keep just jacking up the national debt. Cuts will have to be made and people will have to tighten belts no matter which party is in power.
Yes I saw it. The actual number is 25 billion. Go ahead and laugh but it will only be until you find out that the funding shortfall will have to be made up by cash strapped states primarily due to the patients bill of rights laws. So VT if you are still planning on going off shore to live then plan on dying there because if you were to come back some years from now you may not find much in the way of an eldercare system still here. Clearly Ryan and the boys want to push the cost of eldercare back onto the states so if you decide to return to the US to die look for a state that has the money to pay the upkeep of a good eldercare network. And I'm saying this with your well being in mind.


Well-Known Member
Yes I saw it. The actual number is 25 billion. Go ahead and laugh but it will only be until you find out that the funding shortfall will have to be made up by cash strapped states primarily due to the patients bill of rights laws. So VT if you are still planning on going off shore to live then plan on dying there because if you were to come back some years from now you may not find much in the way of an eldercare system still here. Clearly Ryan and the boys want to push the cost of eldercare back onto the states so if you decide to return to the US to die look for a state that has the money to pay the upkeep of a good eldercare network. And I'm saying this with your well being in mind.
I appreciate that and it's why I do look for alternatives. The U.S. is just too expensive for those with limited means and literally everyone is trying to separate you from your means before you die.


Well-Known Member
Please share your inside knowledge. That statement conveys your wishful thinking, nothing more.
No wishful thinking here tiger, my analysis is based on the past (current indictments and pleas) and how they have to keep enlarging their search. It's simply not there, they could come up with more unrelated process crimes, it's to be fully expected. But what you want (collective leftist you) just isn't gonna happen. Your thoughts are based on wishful thinking, I base mine on the former and current product and project from that point.