California is a sorry excuse for a state


Well-Known Member
Republicans have spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating Hillary. How much is enough when everytime they come up with nothing? Do you even understand how unamerican it is to demand the justice department open special investigations into your political opponents? Do you understand how that attacks the very fabric of democracy? It's how dictators behave. The republican appointed deputy AG is in charge of the Mueller investigation, crying partisan is nonsense. If Trump is clean he shouldn't be worrried. If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. He's acting very afraid.
How much have they spent investigating the server, the foundation, the Uranium One deal? And saying that it's unamerican to demand an investigation after Democrats were demanding an end to the electoral college is a hoot. If she has done something that appears to be criminal it deserves investigation to make certain it wasn't, and that includes her time as Secretary of State when she wasn't a candidate. I'm not calling for an end to Mueller's investigation, I'm calling for a beginning to an investigation as to whether Clinton used her office as Secretary of State as well as presidential candidate to enrich herself and whether she broke any laws, particularly concerning national security, doing so.


Well-Known Member
Just where in my comments do you find the word " necessary"? Mueller was first appointed head of the FBI with the enthusiastic support of the GOP. He was appointed special prosecutor with the full support of the GOP. Why the change of heart and the move to get rid of him? Could it be that his GOP support was based on the belief by some members of Congress that he would not be anywhere near as aggressive and determined to get to the truth or as willing to go after key GOP officials and staffers as he has shown thus far? Perhaps they failed to realize that Robert Mueller is still an old ground pounding FBI street detective at heart.
And if he ends up exonerating Trump many on the Left will be crying that the fix was in.


Well-Known Member
And if he ends up exonerating Trump many on the Left will be crying that the fix was in.
First of all since you brought up the Uranium One matter. Tell me something. Who is CFIUS and what role did it play in this matter? Secondly if he's exonerated that's fine. More than 40 million tax dollars was expended on the Benghazi incident alone and what came out of it? At this stage of our lives the focus should be on what Trump, Ryan and the boys have in store for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and reports are not good.


Well-Known Member
I don't do this
electing trump was not justification for destroying things. but trump was a horrible choice for president and you had to expect people were going to be pissed. whos to blame for trump becoming president.

quite often cops are excessively violent too and abuse their power. so thats also an issue not so different than what these protestors are doing.


Well-Known Member
no i didnt ask you what you dont do.

what do you do aside from voting.

im against violent protest as well. its premature. are you in favor of non violent tea party protests.
First of all, there were no tea party protests, secondly I am not an activist, therefore I don't seek to push my agenda. To the best of my ability I try to be factually true when speaking with someone of opposing views. I don't (for the most part) look for a fight, but don't shy from one. Basically I'm a counter-puncher. I'm just trying to live to the best of my ability; not change the world. Hope this satisfied your need to know what I do besides voting.


Well-Known Member
First of all since you brought up the Uranium One matter. Tell me something. Who is CFIUS and what role did it play in this matter? Secondly if he's exonerated that's fine. More than 40 million tax dollars was expended on the Benghazi incident alone and what came out of it? At this stage of our lives the focus should be on what Trump, Ryan and the boys have in store for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and reports are not good.
So far you have "reports", i.e. speculation. I prefer we focus on things that have actually happened so that we can prevent them happening in the future.


Well-Known Member
First of all, there were no tea party protests, secondly I am not an activist, therefore I don't seek to push my agenda. To the best of my ability I try to be factually true when speaking with someone of opposing views. I don't (for the most part) look for a fight, but don't shy from one. Basically I'm a counter-puncher. I'm just trying to live to the best of my ability; not change the world. Hope this satisfied your need to know what I do besides voting.
If you aren't out there in the street throwing rocks or Molotov cocktails then you don't care like he does.


Well-Known Member
electing trump was not justification for destroying things. but trump was a horrible choice for president and you had to expect people were going to be :censored2:. whos to blame for trump becoming president.

quite often cops are excessively violent too and abuse their power. so thats also an issue not so different than what these protestors are doing.
So basically if outcomes aren't to your liking you look for whole groups to smear. Lovely philosophy.


Well-Known Member
electing trump was not justification for destroying things. but trump was a horrible choice for president and you had to expect people were going to be :censored2:. whos to blame for trump becoming president.

quite often cops are excessively violent too and abuse their power. so thats also an issue not so different than what these protestors are doing.
I'm not concerned why animals act like animals. The final tally shows most times the animals can't afford the tolerance they loudly and often times violently demand.


Well-Known Member
no i didnt ask you what you dont do.

what do you do aside from voting.

im against violent protest as well. its premature. are you in favor of non violent tea party protests.
Of course I'm in favor of non violent Tea Party protests. Remove all the Leftist infiltrators starting fights to make Tea Partiers look bad and they're otherwise nonviolent.


Well-Known Member
First of all, there were no tea party protests, secondly I am not an activist, therefore I don't seek to push my agenda. To the best of my ability I try to be factually true when speaking with someone of opposing views. I don't (for the most part) look for a fight, but don't shy from one. Basically I'm a counter-puncher. I'm just trying to live to the best of my ability; not change the world. Hope this satisfied your need to know what I do besides voting.
Tea Party protests - Wikipedia

are you in favor of non violent right wing protests?

so aside from voting it doesnt matter what you think because you dont do anything anyways? theres not much point in debating on here if you only vote. talk is cheap; do something.

well you might not be an activist but you are a citizen and you probably arent living up to your duties.