California is a sorry excuse for a state


No wishful thinking here tiger, my analysis is based on the past (current indictments and pleas) and how they have to keep enlarging their search. It's simply not there, they could come up with more unrelated process crimes, it's to be fully expected. But what you want (collective leftist you) just isn't gonna happen. Your thoughts are based on wishful thinking, I base mine on the former and current product and project from that point.
So what's your inside knowledge?

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Several criminal convictions are more than something something. The intelligence community agrees Russia waged an information propaganda attack on the US. Sticking your fingers in your ears doesn't eliminate the attack. Where's your patriotism?

The Russian "information propaganda attack" consisted primary of Facebook spam and stuff at the bottom of websites next to the "10 Hollywood legends you didn't know were dead" and "The tips banks don't want you to know" stories.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Which is why we should take the attack seriously, not pretend it didn't happen because it helped our "team." Social media networks are basically a propaganda distributor's wet dream and they were and continue to be exploited to our nation's detriment.

Here's a little secret: the average voter believes that which confirms what he already believes to be true. There's not much to exploit.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Baseless? Yeah, you’re right; the CBO tends to be staffed by former Green Party and ACLU members, who probably spew anti-right positions out of spite. I stand corrected.

The CBO's static predictions are useless.

On this, we are in complete agreement, and I bet the nuclear families living below the median income line - you know, the ones that haven’t really had any pay increases since 2008 - really appreciate our moralistic stand on debt and marriage.

It's not moralistic. It's mathematical.

You must not live in Texas, California, or Florida. The “I’ll be dead argument” is a bit on the solipsistic side (there’s a surprise). There must be no future generations of your family.

You guys predicted all the doom and gloom. It's not my obligation to keep believing in it when it doesn't happen.

At the risk of sounding redundant, saving for retirement gets a bit tricky when you have a household income of less than 55,000 and two children (how much farther have these families fallen behind since 2008?) Those that can save on a monthly basis are contributing less than 10 percent, which isn’t going to get the job done. Ultimately, this will adversely affect the haves.

All the more reason not to have babies when you don't have money.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The Russian "information propaganda attack" consisted primary of Facebook spam and stuff at the bottom of websites next to the "10 Hollywood legends you didn't know were dead" and "The tips banks don't want you to know" stories.
Not according to our intelligence community. It's ok, some people take attacks on our country seriously, some people are fine with it as long as it benefited their "side." You can put your party above country, it's just something you have to live with. I'd rather protect the nation, but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Not according to our intelligence community. It's ok, some people take attacks on our country seriously, some people are fine with it as long as it benefited their "side." You can put your party above country, it's just something you have to live with. I'd rather protect the nation, but that's just me.
So how do you feel about McCabe in his position at the FBI "investigating" Hillary and it comes out that his wife, who was running for office, received a huge campaign contribution from the Virginia governor, Terry McAuliffe, one of the Clinton's closest friends? And McCabe is connected to the FBI agent recently dismissed from Mueller's team who was involved in the Fusion GPS dossier and was exposed in emails as having a clear bias against Trump. And now McCabe is announcing his early retirement. Yep, the dots are being connected, and not against Trump. I've said it before that if Trump is guilty of something then prosecute him. And if Hillary and/or her team are guilty of something then prosecute them too. Using the FISA court to spy on fellow Americans when that was designed to protect us against possible terrorist attacks sounds pretty unamerican to me, which I know you're greatly concerned with. And I'm sure you want to do the right thing, even if it involves your "side."


Well-Known Member
Not according to our intelligence community. It's ok, some people take attacks on our country seriously, some people are fine with it as long as it benefited their "side." You can put your party above country, it's just something you have to live with. I'd rather protect the nation, but that's just me.
No, you just hate Trump. What is your stance on illegal immigration, Trumps moratorium on granting travel visas until proper vetting is in place, and relocation of refugees without proper vetting.
No, you just hate Trump, but that's just you.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Not according to our intelligence community. It's ok, some people take attacks on our country seriously, some people are fine with it as long as it benefited their "side." You can put your party above country, it's just something you have to live with. I'd rather protect the nation, but that's just me.

Protect the nation from FB spam?

I'd take you seriously on this subject were it not for the fact that you, like most people of your political stripe, hope that there's something bad to uncover because it benefits your "side."
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Well-Known Member
The CBO's static predictions are useless.

It's not moralistic. It's mathematical.

You guys predicted all the doom and gloom. It's not my obligation to keep believing in it when it doesn't happen.

All the more reason not to have babies when you don't have money.
Too bad your parents weren't thinking the same thing when they thought about having you. You see anybody can do what you're doing on this site.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Too bad your parents weren't thinking the same thing when they thought about having you. You see anybody can do what you're doing on this site.

Not quite. You still haven't gotten the hang of making sense. So no, not just anybody can do it.


Well-Known Member
Not quite. You still haven't gotten the hang of making sense. So no, not just anybody can do it.
There you go again. When something doesn't make sense to you everybody has to go along and agree with you just to appease your ego despite the fact that what I posted made perfect sense to them.