California is a sorry excuse for a state


Well-Known Member
Which is why we should take the attack seriously, not pretend it didn't happen because it helped our "team." Social media networks are basically a propaganda distributor's wet dream and they were and continue to be exploited to our nation's detriment.
I believe the investment was something like $125k compared to almost a billion from the Clinton campaign in advertising. Illustrates how a certain party spends a helluva lot without getting much done. They don't deserve to be in power if fake news at minimal cost was the difference in winning over the voters.


Well-Known Member
Baseless? Yeah, you’re right; the CBO tends to be staffed by former Green Party and ACLU members, who probably spew anti-right positions out of spite. I stand corrected.

On this, we are in complete agreement, and I bet the nuclear families living below the median income line - you know, the ones that haven’t really had any pay increases since 2008 - really appreciate our moralistic stand on debt and marriage.

You must not live in Texas, California, or Florida. The “I’ll be dead argument” is a bit on the solipsistic side (there’s a surprise). There must be no future generations of your family.

At the risk of sounding redundant, saving for retirement gets a bit tricky when you have a household income of less than 55,000 and two children (how much farther have these families fallen behind since 2008?) Those that can save on a monthly basis are contributing less than 10 percent, which isn’t going to get the job done. Ultimately, this will adversely affect the haves.

I suppose, technically, one person’s opinion is as valid as another’s on a public message board.
And yet one party's attempt at putting more money into most people's pockets as well as trying to create an environment where business can thrive is met with derision by supporters of the party that believes only government can solve our problems. Already a number of corporations have announced bonuses and raises for their employees after the the tax cuts were approved. And I suspect it's because they believe, and the stock market reflects that belief, that things are going to improve and they'll have to compete for workers. Far different from the naysayers who said the corporations will just pocket the extra savings. Bottom line people need to give real change a chance, not shoot down everything because some will do better than others, or their political party might look bad.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So there you go. Absolutely nothing concrete about Trump that would get him charged with a crime, and yet Hillary gets a free pass. Tell me what in the dossier has been corroborated that wasn't already known? What's the smoking gun the prosecutors are looking for? It's BS. Bring on the special prosecutor for Hillary and let's get EVERYTHING out in the open. Let's watch you go "but, but Trump!" You're afraid of what is out there about Hillary and how it'll damage the credibility of the Dems.
Republicans have spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating Hillary. How much is enough when everytime they come up with nothing? Do you even understand how unamerican it is to demand the justice department open special investigations into your political opponents? Do you understand how that attacks the very fabric of democracy? It's how dictators behave. The republican appointed deputy AG is in charge of the Mueller investigation, crying partisan is nonsense. If Trump is clean he shouldn't be worrried. If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. He's acting very afraid.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
how about italy. you know, that place america CIA and UK came in after WWII and were appalled to see workers running the show which they tried busting up:

There are thousands of cooperatives of all types in Emilia Romagna.
  • Cooperatives make up over 40% of the GDP of the ER region.
  • In Bologna two out of three citizens are members of a cooperative.
  • In Bologna over 85% of the city's social services are provided by social co-ops.
Now you sound like a Falangist.


Well-Known Member
Now you sound like a Falangist.
i may disagree with your political views, but at least youve already heard of cooperatives. ive never heard of falangist. upon looking it up, i would not be a falangist because its all over the place! im not anti democratic, and i have major problems with power or authority. i am a socialist. i think chomsky is an anarcho syndicalist.

Falangism emphasized the need for authority, hierarchy, and order in society.[3] Falangism is anti-communist, anti-capitalist, anti-democratic, and anti-liberal,[4][5] although under Franco, the Falange abandoned its original anti-capitalist tendencies, declaring the ideology to be fully compatible with capitalism.[6]

The Falange's original manifesto, the "Twenty-Seven Points", declared Falangism to support the unity of Spain and the elimination of regional separatism; the establishment of a dictatorship led by the Falange; utilizing violence to regenerate Spain; promoting the revival and development of the Spanish Empire. The manifesto supported a social revolution to create a national syndicalist economy that creates national syndicates of both employees and employers to mutually organize and control the economic activity, agrarian reform, industrial expansion, and respect for private property with the exception of nationalizing credit facilities to prevent capitalist usury.[7] It supports criminalization of strikes by employees and lockouts by employers as illegal acts.[8] Falangism supports the state to have jurisdiction of setting wages.[8] The Franco-era Falange supported the development of cooperatives such as the Mondragon Corporation, because it bolstered the Francoist claim of the nonexistence of social classes in Spain during his rule.[9]


Well-Known Member
Several criminal convictions are more than something something. The intelligence community agrees Russia waged an information propaganda attack on the US. Sticking your fingers in your ears doesn't eliminate the attack. Where's your patriotism?
At the core of the issue is the hacking of the election which brings about a greater but not mentioned often enough worry In a time of war the Russians North Korea's China's, Iran's ( pick whoever you want)ability to hack into our defensive and retaliatory weapons system and immobilize them. Press the button and nothing happens. An equal if not even larger threat is that the Mueller investigation uncovers a global bank fraud, money laundering and tax evasion conspiracy so egregious so pervasive and so destructive that it could result in the collapse of the global banking system and bring about another global depression. I believe that there are people on both sides of the isle who are well aware of this possibility . The preservation of wealth and power will in the end win out.


Well-Known Member
At the core of the issue is the hacking of the election which brings about a greater but not mentioned often enough worry In a time of war the Russians North Korea's China's, Iran's ( pick whoever you want)ability to hack into our defensive and retaliatory weapons system and immobilize them. Press the button and nothing happens. An equal if not even larger threat is that the Mueller investigation uncovers a global bank fraud, money laundering and tax evasion conspiracy so egregious so pervasive and so destructive that it could result in the collapse of the global banking system and bring about another global depression. I believe that there are people on both sides of the isle who are well aware of this possibility . The preservation of wealth and power will in the end win out.
While Mueller is uncovering everything, (except what the special counsel was birthed for) can he verify almond joy candy bars have less nuts.


Well-Known Member
so what do you actually do to support your political ideology aside from voting?

or do you just like debating with guys on browncafe?
I don't do this


Well-Known Member
You are correct, it is becoming crystal clear he is a political hack, a man that refuses to accept the truth while it's biting him in the ass.
Mueller was given the freedom to go wherever the investigation leads him. Problem is it's taking him where some Reps were not expecting him to go...right to the doorsteps of the "deep state" and the "mobile republic". Places where true wealth and power lay . Robert Mueller clearly remembers how badly Nixon had compromised Pat Gray. He will allow it to happen again.


Well-Known Member
Mueller was given the freedom to go wherever the investigation leads him. Problem is it's taking him where some Reps were not expecting him to go...right to the doorsteps of the "deep state" and the "mobile republic". Places where true wealth and power lay . Robert Mueller clearly remembers how badly Nixon had compromised Pat Gray. He will allow it to happen again.
Correction he will not allow it to happen again.


Well-Known Member
Mueller was given the freedom to go wherever the investigation leads him. Problem is it's taking him where some Reps were not expecting him to go...right to the doorsteps of the "deep state" and the "mobile republic". Places where true wealth and power lay . Robert Mueller clearly remembers how badly Nixon had compromised Pat Gray. He will allow it to happen again.
So what we have is an inquisition to investigate anything that one individual deems "necessary?"

@bacha29 ?
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Well-Known Member
So what we have is an inquisition to investigate anything that one individual deems "necessary?"

@bacha29 ?
Just where in my comments do you find the word " necessary"? Mueller was first appointed head of the FBI with the enthusiastic support of the GOP. He was appointed special prosecutor with the full support of the GOP. Why the change of heart and the move to get rid of him? Could it be that his GOP support was based on the belief by some members of Congress that he would not be anywhere near as aggressive and determined to get to the truth or as willing to go after key GOP officials and staffers as he has shown thus far? Perhaps they failed to realize that Robert Mueller is still an old ground pounding FBI street detective at heart.