Cameras installed in Ground vehicles today.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So , if whoever you take orders from calls and says I need to neckbeards video from yesterday you’re going to tell him no
I don’t take orders from anyone. I operate under a contract. If one of your managers asked you to do something outside the bounds of your teamster contract are you going to tell him no?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
“I don’t take orders from anyone”
Lol , Ok tough guy
Not trying to be a tough guy, I’m stating a fact. It’s been a long time since a manager at FedEx has thought they could give orders to me. It‘s not how the business relationship works. I’m sure as a truck driver for another company you’d know that better than me. Does it bring you pleasure to demonstrate gross ignorance?


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
There's a list of things you can't do. That's one of them.
What if a gust of wind blew some other form of blockage to land just slightly perfect on the lens.

Being so engulfed in doing an excellent job, one does not notice the obstruction to remove it...



Well-Known Member
As far as i know all the semi’s contracted through FXG in my area have always had cameras in their trucks they are not allowed to operate a truck if it doesn’t have a face cam don’t know about the package cars though


Well-Known Member
Not trying to be a tough guy, I’m stating a fact. It’s been a long time since a manager at FedEx has thought they could give orders to me. It‘s not how the business relationship works. I’m sure as a truck driver for another company you’d know that better than me. Does it bring you pleasure to demonstrate gross ignorance?
Right. You will not be given orders as long as you remain in that small and tightly compartmentalized part of the company where you are allowed to operate with a limited degree of freedom.

Look, we've been through this before. Command and control over contractors in the key areas that are readily as easily identified is, has and forever will remain the undisputed domain of FXG. And the only way to break free of it is to find some poor unsuspecting slug with dreams of entrepreneurial greatness and parents willing to cosign the bank loan so he can fulfill his dreams or in FXG contracting case live the nightmare.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Right. You will not be given orders as long as you remain in that small and tightly compartmentalized part of the company where you are allowed to operate with a limited degree of freedom.

Look, we've been through this before. Command and control over contractors in the key areas that are readily as easily identified is, has and forever will remain the undisputed domain of FXG. And the only way to break free of it is to find some poor unsuspecting slug with dreams of entrepreneurial greatness and parents willing to cosign the bank loan so he can fulfill his dreams or in FXG contracting case live the nightmare.
@It will be fine, why don't you inform @bacha29 how much you make annually from FDX, maybe even your balance sheet, to show her how unsuccessful you are?


Well-Known Member
@It will be fine, why don't you inform @bacha29 how much you make annually from FDX, maybe even your balance sheet, to show her how unsuccessful you are?
I see you missed the point again. I didn't say he wasn't making money What I said was that contractors operate on the periphery the outer fringes of the company. An FXG regional manager which is at best a middle management level position has more power than all of the contractors in his region.....combined. Whether a contractor has 5 routes or 105 routes it's all the same. One is no more important than the other because they all operate on the same one sided, unilaterally drafted and implemented "contract" (lol). .. And if you talk back to them or get out of'll find you , your routes and your contract outside the wire and parked somewhere down along the road


Well-Known Member
I see you missed the point again. I didn't say he wasn't making money What I said was that contractors operate on the periphery the outer fringes of the company. An FXG regional manager which is at best a middle management level position has more power than all of the contractors in his region.....combined. Whether a contractor has 5 routes or 105 routes it's all the same. One is no more important than the other because they all operate on the same one sided, unilaterally drafted and implemented "contract" (lol). .. And if you talk back to them or get out of'll find you , your routes and your contract outside the wire and parked somewhere down along the road
But.....he’s a businessman!!


Well-Known Member
These people are idiots. @bacha29 thinks it’s a giant revelation that if you spit in your customer’s eye it’s bad for business. He always thought like an employee and still does. It’s why he doesn’t understand the current business model.
The part of me that thinks like an employee is the part Ground instilled in me. Because when it was in their best interests that you were an employee especially from a command and control standpoint, you were an employee. When it was in their best interests that you were an "independent contractor" especially from the divestiture of risk , liability and variable cost standpoint .you were a "independent contractor" .

Look, the entire Ground OPCO and why it is structured the way it is has been pulled down ,taken apart and spread out on the ground for everyone to see. After seeing the how's and whys behind it we don't think any less of you as a person.

However we will think less of you as a person if you continue to try instill in us the belief that what you have is an innovative and entirely revolutionary new type of product and service that you alone conceived set up , brought to the market place and first and foremost.... control . This is not the case. After all what you're doing is what UPS has been doing for over 120 years and the USPS has been doing for more than two centuries.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The part of me that thinks like an employee is the part Ground instilled in me. Because when it was in their best interests that you were an employee especially from a command and control standpoint, you were an employee. When it was in their best interests that you were an "independent contractor" especially from the divestiture of risk , liability and variable cost standpoint .you were a "independent contractor" .

Look, the entire Ground OPCO and why it is structured the way it is has been pulled down ,taken apart and spread out on the ground for everyone to see. After seeing the how's and whys behind it we don't think any less of you as a person.

However we will think less of you as a person if you continue to try instill in us the belief that what you have is an innovative and entirely revolutionary new type of product and service that you alone conceived set up , brought to the market place and first and foremost.... control . This is not the case. After all what you're doing is what UPS has been doing for over 120 years and the USPS has been doing for more than two centuries.
Dude, somebody laced your blunt.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The part of me that thinks like an employee is the part Ground instilled in me. Because when it was in their best interests that you were an employee especially from a command and control standpoint, you were an employee. When it was in their best interests that you were an "independent contractor" especially from the divestiture of risk , liability and variable cost standpoint .you were a "independent contractor" .

Look, the entire Ground OPCO and why it is structured the way it is has been pulled down ,taken apart and spread out on the ground for everyone to see. After seeing the how's and whys behind it we don't think any less of you as a person.

However we will think less of you as a person if you continue to try instill in us the belief that what you have is an innovative and entirely revolutionary new type of product and service that you alone conceived set up , brought to the market place and first and foremost.... control . This is not the case. After all what you're doing is what UPS has been doing for over 120 years and the USPS has been doing for more than two centuries.
This is what we call arguing against a strawman. You make up a ridiculous claim and then argue against it. I had the same opportunity you did. You chose to beat your body into oblivion. I chose to expand my business so I can make more money to do less work and it’s working out great.


Well-Known Member
This is what we call arguing against a strawman. You make up a ridiculous claim and then argue against it. I had the same opportunity you did. You chose to beat your body into oblivion. I chose to expand my business so I can make more money to do less work and it’s working out great.
The key word here is "business". A business carries with it a considerable degree of autonomy . That's something you don't have. All you're doing is carrying out the orders FXG hands to you. Your entire fate is in the hands of someone other than yourself due to the fact that when it comes to've only got one. And that's a person who has a "business" and tries (in vain) to project himself as a "businessman"?

Yes, the work is labor intensive and exacts a physical toll. And knowing the extent of that toll unlike you I wouldn't stoop to sending a guy out and do a job i wouldn't do myself and subject himself to the physical beating and long term health effects unless I could give him a healthcare and pension plan that responded to that condition was comparable to what the industry's leaders payed their people. Yes, you try to convince us that your pay and benefit plan is comparable to the rest of the industry but we all know that it's nowhere close to that standard as evidenced by your steadfast unwillingness to disclose your compensation plan . Yeah, I would be ashamed too if I paid what you're paying.

The result is your wasting your time with this group of contributors trying to make us believe that you're something you're not.


Well-Known Member
The key word here is "business". A business carries with it a considerable degree of autonomy . That's something you don't have. All you're doing is carrying out the orders FXG hands to you. Your entire fate is in the hands of someone other than yourself due to the fact that when it comes to've only got one. And that's a person who has a "business" and tries (in vain) to project himself as a "businessman"?

Yes, the work is labor intensive and exacts a physical toll. And knowing the extent of that toll unlike you I wouldn't stoop to sending a guy out and do a job i wouldn't do myself and subject himself to the physical beating and long term health effects unless I could give him a healthcare and pension plan that responded to that condition was comparable to what the industry's leaders payed their people. Yes, you try to convince us that your pay and benefit plan is comparable to the rest of the industry but we all know that it's nowhere close to that standard as evidenced by your steadfast unwillingness to disclose your compensation plan . Yeah, I would be ashamed too if I paid what you're paying.

The result is your wasting your time with this group of contributors trying to make us believe that you're something you're not.
The problem with all of this is no one is holding a gun to anyone's head making them work for Ground in any capacity. Yes, it sucks for average employees. But in your world you envision average employees getting even by holding a gun to the head of everyone, making them do the work for equal pay. Has never, won't ever work.