Cameras installed in Ground vehicles today.


Well-Known Member
Cameras will come to Express soon. Might be my ticket out. Profanity laced tirades and not wanting to be recorded.


Well-Known Member
You wouldn’t believe them. You are convinced of your own narrative and no amount of evidence to the contrary will change your belief.
Look, we know how you pay. You pay on a per stop/per piece basis which is nothing more than a modern day reincarnation of post Civil War confederate state share cropping.


Well-Known Member
This has been going on at Express for a year. Eventually, every vehicle will have cameras that can see ahead and can see the driver. As FedEx says, staff has no personal privacy while on duty. Most of our vehicles still don’t have cameras, but that will change as we get new vehicles. I’m not holding my breath waiting for that to happen very soon.

I’ve been told by other drivers that we’ll be forced to sign a waiver and acknowledge the use of cameras or you will no longer be employed. I haven’t heard anything on this from managers.

I’ve researched a little and found that the cameras aren’t on constantly. If there’s a sudden stop or braking, or if it detects a collision, the camera sends footage of the last 45 to 60 seconds back to big brother.

This will be fun when I drive over a curb or a pot hole.


Well-Known Member
The purpose of operating a business is to make money. I have a customer that pays their bill every week. The customer has increasing demand for service every year that gives my company organic growth that averages 10-20% annually. Meeting the needs of that customer doesn’t lower my integrity or dignity. BTW as a contractor your fleet is insured by FedEx so you don’t have your own fleet insurance.
Like I said; you can make a lot of money as a contractor, if you want to trade in your autonomy. Your direction is scaled, guided and led by another entity to which you must surrender to in order to operate.
Also the insurance I paid was through a company that serviced contractors but the rates etc were paid by my company solely as was registration, maybe different program?


Well-Known Member
I don’t believe the average express driver makes $30/hr
The starting pay on the lowest pay scale is close to $18hr now and top out on the highest pay scale is close to $31 hr I believe. Anyways when you average it all together I'm pretty certain you don't come close. Doubt you even pay $20 hr.


Well-Known Member
The starting pay on the lowest pay scale is close to $18hr now and top out on the highest pay scale is close to $31 hr I believe. Anyways when you average it all together I'm pretty certain you don't come close. Doubt you even pay $20 hr.
IWBF is a contractor in one of the most expensive metros, Boston I believe. In general, jobs pay better there because living expenses are so high.
Down here in Alabama, ground drivers make a flat $120 a day and commonly work 10 hours. Few have insurance.


Well-Known Member
I have never met or heard of a Ground driver in Detroit that is not a 1099 day laborer. Cameras have been in Express semis for at least a year they are just for accidents.