Then about all you can do is to make it clear to this individual is that you will not be intimidated and that if it persists you will fully exercise the full power the many workplace rights the law affords you. But then again if you're not willing to try to get to a better place then there's nothing anybody on this site can do for you. It's a nonunion company with a nonunion workforce reinforced by powerless little munchkin contractors whose sole purpose is to reinforce it's hardline nonunion stance.First off I should say I do respect you for giving your employees bonuses that they deserve. I don't respect your opinions. I'm not offended by the language at all. It's the empty threats and out of line approach due to being untouchable because my boss is so lazy he hired 3 managers because he doesn't want to work anymore. To thicken the plot my boss is actually a manager. My contractor operates out of state.