10 point
Well-Known Member
We, in Ohio, tried.Louisville was one of the last supplements to be re-voted for a reason; UPS made sure to pick-off the other supplements, one-by-one, and then leave the "trouble" locals (West PA, Philly Air, Louisville) for last. There's a total lack of momentum now, on the union side, since the fight on healthcare was essentially "won" in the NMA. Whenever this finally gets done, it's going to be interesting to see if UPS starts diverting air packages away from Philly/Louisville over the next 5 years.
The vast majority of part-timers (the FT drivers will almost always be more "solid" on a strike for a number of reasons) were willing to walk over the idea of paying $90/week for something they pay $0/week for now.
Now, they just want their raises and back-pay. UPS knows this and has probably heard it (from PT supervisors and up) nearly as much as the stewards/locals have heard it.
Personally, I don't think we should have ever "pumped the brakes" after UPS backed down and agreed to pool the company plan participants into CS H&W. This is something the union has wanted for years and the company has been adamantly against for just as long; it simply took the Affordable Care Act to make it happen. We should have been willing to stare down the barrel of the gun just a little bit longer and not agreed to a 4 year progression along with trying to get 22.3 language that's worth something.
UPS didn't "pick us off". Our fellow union bros and sisters did....after we stared down the union's gun and got locals that voted yes healthcare enhanced. Then, we barely lost the fight at the hands of our own members.