Stonefish, the 89 shuttle situation is a real problem. Why should an employee park their car at the employer's place of business, wait in line for a shuttle, get on the shuttle go through security screening back on the shuttle do their respective work areas and not be paid for the time they are attempting to get to their work areas. Our Union leaders want to say that 89 is T.D.U. or is politically motivated but when have they ever attempted to talk to 89's members? How about never! They don't care that 89 has turned down there supplement twice and is getting ready to turn it down a third time. It's the easy way out to blame politics or the T.D.U. for our leaderships failures. If 89 goes on strike, who do they picket U.P.S. or the I.B.T. This situation is pathetic. My hats off to you 89. Be strong and you will prevail!
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