Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC

Netsua 3:16

If he had won everyone would know it's legitimate. He legitimately beat Hillary in 2016 and she has cried for the last 4.5 years that she got cheated. Y'all never say anything about that other than Trump colluded with Russia to win. But somehow Trump saying it is the end of democracy as we know it.
His followers believe they are in an “elite club” where they and ONLY they have access to this secret information about the country that trump unveils to them. And the rest of us are brainwashed.
What a world

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
Yes sir! That’s my new fascination. We’ve all learned Marxism in school, it’s nothing new
It’s a matter of not wanting to cater to this perceived “cancel culture” by admitting that systemic racism exists.

lol accusing people of being communist is the go to for these guys. its effing hilarious.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I don’t want to hear a trumper call me ignorant. Y’all voted a reality tv Celeb into office.
I'm going to double down on calling you ignorant for calling me a Trumper. And he has nothing to do with this discussion. You should really do something about that TDS, guy.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
I'm going to double down on calling you ignorant for calling me a Trumper. And he has nothing to do with this discussion. You should really do something about that TDS, guy.
Well, I should’ve been clear I wasn’t saying you I meant anyone who voted for him. Idk what your political stance is. Nor would I care because I’m adult and it’s okay for people to have different opinions. I might crack jokes but it’s harmless.

Netsua 3:16

Systemic racism?