Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC

Netsua 3:16



I'm a star
What about CRT gets everybody’s panties in a bunch? I know YOU can explain it to me.
I’ve been reading about it.
It’s like, you believe you are “enlightened” to the truth; over someone like my father who spent 8 years at 3 universities and has taught public school for 25 years; all the while promoting free thinking and independent research.

You’re right Z; It’s hard for me to get there, but it’s not because I can’t fathom that I’m wrong about it; but the whole “brainwashed” label is truly getting out of hand.
What I see; and you know I’ll give it to you straight; is an utter defiance and unwillingness to accept the fact that systemic racism exists. You don’t want to admit that, or even explore it....
So, of course you think CRT is garbage.

I have come around to the reality of systemic racism, but the it is inverted from what you believe it to be. The fact that we keep statistics based on race is one example of systemic racism.

The use of the term Marxism is mostly a catch-all due to his communist ideology and vision of socialistic economic systems have been the driving force behind many revolutions throughout history. The methods for such revolutions have become more sophisticated over time.

I don't know if I have the time to explain what I understand about everything involved, but to condense, first revolution isn't always a good thing, and has never been with the supposed motivation of creating a worker's paradise, utopia. What is really happening is some people want absolute power, for whatever reason. They know that they can't hope to take over a strong unified nation. They know that they have to create instability among the population.

Marx divided between the working class within what he called capitalist economic systems and the wealthy "capitalists" (As an aside, the bolshevik revolution did not occur within a "capitalistic" economic system). Hitler divided among race lines (one reason for the parallels being drawn between our current situation and Nazi Germany, although I would argue that we are being divided along multiple lines, class, race, sexual orientation and identy, etc.).

The purpose behind the divisions is to agitate and turn the different groups on each other. During the conflict, the people who are seeking power seize it. The same principals that made the US a power house are the same ones that make it difficult to start a revolution in. That's where the idea of infiltration and taking control of cultural institutions comes in. Hollywood was first to go. Universities have been taken over as well. It has been a slow process, as radical ideas are not readily accepted, and what happens in the political sphere is down stream from culture.

It's hard to say that it is a massive conspiracy, it's at least an intentional ideological shift, which doesn't require everyone to be "in on it". But there are certainly people who understand what is happening and are taking advantage of it.

All that being said, you have three types of people who push the idea of systemic racism (as you understand it), those who actually believe in it and want to earnestly fix it. Then there are ones who know it's a farce, care nothing about minorities, or anyone but themselves and their quest for power and control. Finally there are those who align themselves with the second category of people, repeat whatever they are told to believe, not caring about what's true or not, just so long as they are on the winning team.

So yeah, systemic racism is real, the soft bigotry of low expectations. The racists using agitation along race lines to maintain their power while actually hurting the people they claim to be helping are systematically racist, and classist, and sexist, etc. etc. etc.

Netsua 3:16

I have come around to the reality of systemic racism, but the it is inverted from what you believe it to be. The fact that we keep statistics based on race is one example of systemic racism.

The use of the term Marxism is mostly a catch-all due to his communist ideology and vision of socialistic economic systems have been the driving force behind many revolutions throughout history. The methods for such revolutions have become more sophisticated over time.

I don't know if I have the time to explain what I understand about everything involved, but to condense, first revolution isn't always a good thing, and has never been with the supposed motivation of creating a worker's paradise, utopia. What is really happening is some people want absolute power, for whatever reason. They know that they can't hope to take over a strong unified nation. They know that they have to create instability among the population.

Marx divided between the working class within what he called capitalist economic systems and the wealthy "capitalists" (As an aside, the bolshevik revolution did not occur within a "capitalistic" economic system). Hitler divided among race lines (one reason for the parallels being drawn between our current situation and Nazi Germany, although I would argue that we are being divided along multiple lines, class, race, sexual orientation and identy, etc.).

The purpose behind the divisions is to agitate and turn the different groups on each other. During the conflict, the people who are seeking power seize it. The same principals that made the US a power house are the same ones that make it difficult to start a revolution in. That's where the idea of infiltration and taking control of cultural institutions comes in. Hollywood was first to go. Universities have been taken over as well. It has been a slow process, as radical ideas are not readily accepted, and what happens in the political sphere is down stream from culture.

It's hard to say that it is a massive conspiracy, it's at least an intentional ideological shift, which doesn't require everyone to be "in on it". But there are certainly people who understand what is happening and are taking advantage of it.

All that being said, you have three types of people who push the idea of systemic racism (as you understand it), those who actually believe in it and want to earnestly fix it. Then there are ones who know it's a farce, care nothing about minorities, or anyone but themselves and their quest for power and control. Finally there are those who align themselves with the second category of people, repeat whatever they are told to believe, not caring about what's true or not, just so long as they are on the winning team.

So yeah, systemic racism is real, the soft bigotry of low expectations. The racists using agitation along race lines to maintain their power while actually hurting the people they claim to be helping are systematically racist, and classist, and sexist, etc. etc. etc.
For some context here’s some books that I’ve read so that you know where I’m coming from, and how actually much closer to the same page we are than you think:

“Republic of Lies” Merlon (sp)?

“The Answer” David Icke (Looney friend’er but interesting read and interesting, well thought out articulate theory)

“The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail”

Graham Hancock’s big two books “Secrets of the gods” I believe is one of them

“The secret History of the world” Booth

As a teenager I immersed myself in conspiracy theory. I’ve watched just about every conspiracy theory documentary readily available.

So. Now that we have that out of the way, and you know that I am willing to entertain and even accept information that is not deemed to be “from the establishment”
Can you please just straight up tell me why you are so afraid of a Marxist ideology being utilized;
to explore the depths of our failure to accept members of our own society?
Why is that bad? Get right right to it

El Correcto

god is dead
Can you please just straight up tell me why you are so afraid of a Marxist ideology being utilized;
to explore the depths of our failure to accept members of our own society?
Why is that bad? Get right right to it
Can you please explain why Marxism worthy of any consideration after every failed attempt it has blighted humanity with? Get right to it.


Well-Known Member
For some context here’s some books that I’ve read so that you know where I’m coming from, and how actually much closer to the same page we are than you think:

“Republic of Lies” Merlon (sp)?

“The Answer” David Icke (Looney friend’er but interesting read and interesting, well thought out articulate theory)

“The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail”

Graham Hancock’s big two books “Secrets of the gods” I believe is one of them

“The secret History of the world” Booth

As a teenager I immersed myself in conspiracy theory. I’ve watched just about every conspiracy theory documentary readily available.

So. Now that we have that out of the way, and you know that I am willing to entertain and even accept information that is not deemed to be “from the establishment”
Can you please just straight up tell me why you are so afraid of a Marxist ideology being utilized;
to explore the depths of our failure to accept members of our own society?
Why is that bad? Get right right to it
Is Soro's paying you by the word?


I'm a star
For some context
Can you please just straight up tell me why you are so afraid of a Marxist ideology being utilized;
to explore the depths of our failure to accept members of our own society?
Why is that bad? Get right right to it

I wouldn't call it fear, as @El Correcto pointed out, it's a abject failure as an idealogy. Anyone who actually takes it seriously has to deny just about everything about human nature. They are not the ones generally in positions of power. Those people know what Marxism is and use it for their own gain to the detriment of everyone else. These facts are not conspiratorial or theoretical in nature.

I can't explain all the intricacies of the last part in a single post. To sum up, the issues with what you say the problem is that it's a confusing mess of mixing up individuals with the society they are a part of. What burden do I bear for the transgressions of others around me? I know the explanation is that I have received unfair "privelege" because of my sex and skin color. But that says nothing about me, or my experience.

If the answer is that the government has systemically suppressed certain "groups" within our society, then the idea that the government will solve the problem is somewhat absurd. I am a huge proponent of equal protection under the law, that the government exists in large part to protect those rights. The answer to government oppression is reducing the power of the government to oppress. To hold the government accountable to uphold its duty in the protection of individual liberty.

Laws that unfairly effect any person, or group of people, should be addressed. But many of the legislative solutions to such problems generally make things worse, despite anyone's supposed good intentions.
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Netsua 3:16

I wouldn't call it fear, as @El Correcto pointed out, it's a abject failure as an idealogy. Anyone who actually takes it seriously has to deny just about everything about human nature. They are not the ones generally in positions of power. Those people know what Marxism is and use it for their own gain to the detriment of everyone else. These facts are not conspiratorial or theoretical in nature.

I can't explain all the intricacies of the last part in a last part. To sum up, the issues with what you say the problem is that it's a confusing mess of mixing up individuals with the society they are a part of. What burden do I bear for the transgressions of others around me? I know the explanation is that I have received unfair "privelege" because of my sex and skin color. But that says nothing about me, or my experience.

If the answer is that the government has systemically suppressed certain "groups" within our society, then the idea that the government will solve the problem is somewhat absurd. I am a huge proponent of equal protection under the law, that the government exists in large part to protect those rights. The answer to government oppression is reducing the power of the government to oppress. To hold the government accountable to uphold its duty in the protection of individual liberty.

Laws that unfairly effect any person, or group of people, should be addressed. But many of the legislative solutions to such problems generally make things worse, despite anyone's supposed good intentions.
I fail to see what burden YOU are bearing, what responsibility YOU are taking, by teaching children that WHITE PEOPLE have, and continue to treat black individuals poorly; specifically based on the color of their skin.
YOU don’t have to bear any responsibility by teaching students about what went down 60 years ago during the civil rights movement; one generation ago, our grandparents and greats remember it well.
Opposition to the civil rights movement and its seeds are still trickling slowly down the drain.
With “clogs” and objections along the way.
I see nothing wrong with admitting the fact that I won the cultural lottery, being born a white American.
No, I don’t feel bad about it, but I recognize it
The issue isn't that Marxism is being taught as a matter of theory or a matter of history. The issue is that Marxist ideals are shaping the things being taught in schools.
Other than CRT, can you provide me with some more examples of Marxism infiltrating the things being taught in schools?
And then; prove to me that it’s brainwashing people?
How did you manage to “break free” of the controlling leftist agenda?

El Correcto

god is dead
Mark L is a very partisan and unreasonable person, in all the ways Americans should be partisan and unreasonable. I have my disagreements with the guy’s talking points from time to time. He is a hardline Republican after all, but his ideology is one I can share a country with.