No, nothing is missing from the story. A box full of pre-released games fell spreading games all over the place. When cleaning them up, he took one. Downloaded it onto his gaming system which caught the eye of Microsoft and they reported him. He has never stolen or done anything wrong before this besides use his personal/sick days to have Sundays off which just annoyed his supervisor, really, but nothing serious like a write up with that.
This is a sad and terrible story. It's sad for your family and it's sad for the UPS family as well. But the real victim in this story is Microsoft.
This company trust us with their most precious shipments. This company was counting on us to deliver these games and trusted us because of our reputation and integrity.
The UPS shield can get you into almost any business or residential property on this entire planet. I can walk into a heavily secured building with nothing more than a brown uniform and my board.
As a company that reputation must be defended at all cost. That is why the outcome of your situation will be one without mercy on the companies behalf.
Part of me,for your families well being hopes I'm wrong. But truthfully the other half of me knows what must be done.
I'm So so sorry that your facing this, At least your facing it together. It can either bring you closer together or further apart, that is where your energy is going to best used in these troubled times Definitely time for a career pivot.