Cardinal sin termination


Staff member
Seen a 27 year driver get fired for theft. Union tried to make the case that he was a 27 year employee, always been a good worker, never done anything like this before, one time mistake, etc. Division manager said I don't care if you've been here 27 years or 27 days, you steal and you're gone. He was gone.



I was just working as directed!


Well-Known Member
I commend you for coming here to try to find some hope. Unfortunately this isn't a regular theft and here's why: He took an unreleased product and ANOTHER company caught him.

By taking something that is not yet available to the general public, he compromised millions if not hundreds of millions of money that Microsoft put in to developing the game. They don't make games on the cheap. Additionally, Microsoft's competitors could have gotten an unfair advantage.

What you should be worrying about is a lawsuit for civil damages.

Years ago a box burst open and dozens of gourmet honey buns fell out. I was starving! So I ate one and put the rest in a weather bag and gave it to the clerk. But let me tell ya, I was on edge for days. Over one honey bun! I never did anything like that ever again because every month my center makes a show and has the cops put someone in the backseat in cuffs. The stress wasn't worth it!

Because Microsoft caught him, UPS will terminate him. There's no question. If the company caught him, it MIGHT have been resolved at the Center Manager level if they knew his character. The Union is just going thru a formality in filing. It's a matter of when.

I pray you and your family can rebound and something better will come along because you don't deserve this. You simply don't.


Well-Known Member
Feel bad for the Family as things are gonna change! Hopefully for the better, long term!

Wanna teach your kid's a lesson about being a thief? YA DID!

Stealing is Stealing! Lil here, a lil there attitude, just don't cut it! Get him a tattoo for this life's event "DONT STEAL STOOOOOPID"


Well-Known Member
No, nothing is missing from the story. A box full of pre-released games fell spreading games all over the place. When cleaning them up, he took one. Downloaded it onto his gaming system which caught the eye of Microsoft and they reported him. He has never stolen or done anything wrong before this besides use his personal/sick days to have Sundays off which just annoyed his supervisor, really, but nothing serious like a write up with that.

This is a sad and terrible story. It's sad for your family and it's sad for the UPS family as well. But the real victim in this story is Microsoft.
This company trust us with their most precious shipments. This company was counting on us to deliver these games and trusted us because of our reputation and integrity.
The UPS shield can get you into almost any business or residential property on this entire planet. I can walk into a heavily secured building with nothing more than a brown uniform and my board.
As a company that reputation must be defended at all cost. That is why the outcome of your situation will be one without mercy on the companies behalf.
Part of me,for your families well being hopes I'm wrong. But truthfully the other half of me knows what must be done.
I'm So so sorry that your facing this, At least your facing it together. It can either bring you closer together or further apart, that is where your energy is going to best used in these troubled times Definitely time for a career pivot.


That's exactly what I said too Jkloc420. I mean, it's not an honest mistake. He took the game point blank. He did something very idiotic and he knows that. We have been counting on this job for 5+ years and messed it up with one very serious action. Has anyone heard of someone coming back from this??

The worst I've ever heard someone getting there job back was a straight up crazy brawl between two drivers. They both got there driving jobs back. And usually fighting, lying, and stealing are automatic no job back issues. I guess you could say that fighting is in the same category as lying, that might be a stretch, probably have a lot of different answers on that.


They are though. His family has been with UPS for like 30 years. Literally everyone who has been working there a while knows them and knows how great of a guy he is.

Which might be why he did it, amongst many other reasons, because he thought he was untouchable.

Over 70

Well-Known Member
Be a real man and grow a stash. I did because its all thats allowed and surprisingly discovered my wife loves it.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but your husband is a child. He stole a video game! What's next candy, baseball cards?

You can call him a great guy all you want but to most of us he's a A S S! He's the child that makes us all look bad. Because of people like him managment looks at us as untrustworthy.

Good lucky to you. His career is over. If he will steal a video game what's to stop him when something really expensive falls out of a box like Tiffany Co jewelry. Good luck and tell him to start applying to other places now.