time to make the switch to synthetic meat. it should be cheaper and more healthy than the real thing.
Hog farms in North Carolina keep repeating the same mistakes
Odor and pathogens from animal barns, waste pits, and spray fields can torment and sicken neighbors, prompting
three juries this year to award hundreds of millions in damages to plaintiffs suing Smithfield Foods, the world's largest pork producer. Other suits are in the offing.
...citing low life expectancy in communities near confined animal feeding operations,
...Thanks to climate change, heavy rains are expected to be the new normal.
Florence was considered a 1000-year storm; Matthew from two years ago was considered a 500-year storm.
. The state's DEQ is understaffed and underfunded, its budget
slashed by more than 40 percent since 2012.
5,500 hogs and 3.4 million poultry are dead,