I thought this issue had been discussed "
ad nauseam" but I was wrong.
And yes, the deregulation of the trucking industry was certainly the instrumental catalyst.
UPS wanted out in 1993.
Fast forward to 2007 and they got their wish.
But, the 6.4 Billion they paid (for their withdraw liability) went "poof" because of the economic downturn in 2008.
So this is where we are at;
I sympathize with
@rod and thousands of other Teamsters.
The reality is, pension plans can't support people collecting a pension for more years than they worked.
Others will say.... the Union has failed for not organizing in a core industry like LTL freight.
Good luck with that. You've probably never even gauged the interest of people working in that industry.
Others will say.... It is Hoffa's fault and with a change of leadership things will be different.
It would take the influx of thousand and thousands of new members to "shore up"
any multi-employer fund.
People aren't knocking at the door to join (any) Union. These are the times we live in.
It's going to take Federal relief to help (all) multi-employer pension plans.
Either that.... or they will have to bail out the PBGC.