Chernobyl, Ohio

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

“Norfolk Southern Railway CEO Alan Shaw published a letter Thursday that read, "We will not walk away, East Palestine."

What he might actually mean is that the company will be looking to settle with as many residents as possible so they’ll waive their rights to sue before the full effects of the exposure to the :censored2: that was on the train become very clear.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
The A-- Hole didn't even show at the town meeting. The EPA didn't even test the water a sub contractor did hired by Norfolk Southern. Here you drink the water !!!


Well-Known Member
Where's Greta Thooomburg at?

Next Day Error

X - Other
no im saying democrats are not your friend
Dude. Of course they're not our friends. They're kind of our employees, being in a democracy and all. The point is that, as a party, the Democratic Party is more responsive to things most people give a crap about:

Gun violence
Women's health and rights
Tax policy
Consumer protection
Labor union protection and expansion
Workplace safety regulations
Environmental regulations
...and so on.

They are by no means perfect or perfectly responsive. They are not our friends. They're not even our buddies. But by and large they are more likely to listen and respond to what the average person wants.

This habit you seem to have of downplaying every time someone makes a point about how a Democrat did something good followed up by a Republican kibosh is pretty boring and unconvincing. They are NOT the same party. They aren't made up of the same mettle. I'd urge you to be more pragmatic and let a point stand for once. We can sit around and kumbaya about our empty lives in contemporary corporatist America in other threads.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
The EPA administrator was just interviewed on Fox news @ 9:15 AM this morning. A lot of double speak mumbo jumbo. Meanwhile President Potato was speaking about flying science projects. We are doomed .